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Mortgage Professor about credit bank: 
When Good Credit Marries Bad Credit
November 2, 1998, Revised November 22, 2004 "My fiancee and I are first time buyers and would like to purchase a single family home in New Jersey. He has an outstanding credit report and I have a bad one (collections, ... more...

Why Do Lenders Itemize Loan Charges?
July 20, 1998 "Wouldn't taking out a mortgage be less of an ordeal if lenders, instead of charging borrowers a bunch of different fees, charged a single fee covering everything? Why don't they?" You have put your finger on ... more...

credit bank related definitions

Prime Rate
Prime Rate In North American banking, the prime rate is the interest rate a banks charge to their best or "prime" customers. Each bank will quote a prime lending rate. Many institutions quote prime rates established by large money center commercial banks such as ... more...

Mortgage Broker
Mortgage Broker An individual in the business of assisting in arranging funding or negotiating contracts for a client buy who does not loan the money himself. Brokers usually charge a fee or receive a commission for their ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Hidden Bank Loan Charges That Would Make a Pick-Pocket Envious
There can be more to a bank business loan than making interest and principal payments. Your firm may get a great rate on its new credit line or term loan but you may cry on the way home when you discover the hidden fees and charges.Even seasoned borrowers can be caught off guard. Borrowing costs ... more...

Credit Card Traps: How To Spot Them On The Spot!
They arrive in your mail - a conspicuous looking mail piece from some "official looking" bank claiming that you have been Pre-Approved for a Mastercard or VISA credit card.Of course, you don't have to have any credit. You can even have bad credit or have just filed bankruptcy or even be rated as a ... more...

Bank Auto Loans Best Loans for Stretch Commuters?
People have to work to survive. The desire to maintain increasingly indulgent lifestyles drives 13% of workers to travel over 100 miles a day to get to and from work. These so called stretch commuters make the majority of these trips by personal vehicle, but when it comes to trading in their tired ... more...

Triple AAA in 30 Days
Have you ever wonder about how to get good credit with spending alot of money. Well here is a little secret I used to get my credit back up to par.To work this plan you need at least $400 to begin. You should borrow this from your friends if necessary. Then go to a bank of your choice and deposit ... more...

Home Equity Loan Improvements
There's more Regulation Z compliance on the way, courtesy of the Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act. This fall banks will have to implement the new home equity loan disclosure rules the Federal Reserve Board was required to issue under the act.The Federal Reserve released the final version of ... more...

Is My Money Safe? On The Soundness Of Our Banks
Banks are institutions wherein miracles happen regularly. We rarely entrust our money to anyone but ourselves and our banks. Despite a very chequered history of mismanagement, corruption, false promises and representations, delusions and behavioural inconsistency banks still succeed to motivate ... more...

The Secrets To Successfully Starting Your Own Business
The Dream is, and always will be, to come up with an idea, start a business and become rich from your own efforts. Based upon this motivation, thousands of businesses fail each year, due primarily to not being familiar with the basics involved in running a business.This report will enlighten you, ... more...

The Secrets of Starting Business Successfully
Starting Business Secrets will help you to start your own business successfully. The American Dream is, and always will be, to come up with an idea, start a business and become rich from your own efforts. Based upon this motivation, thousands of businesses fail each year, due primarily to not ... more...

Buy a Car with Bad Credit
A car is a necessity for most of us. It is difficult to make a living without having a reliable means of transportation. You can take the bus or train, but the convenience of a car allows you to accomplish more in an efficient manner.People with bad credit, often find it difficult to finance big ... more...

The "Credit Card Debt Termination" Scam
"Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet over the past few years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims are paying $1,000s for this bogus service. One victim I ... more...

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