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Mortgage Professor about conforming loan: 
What Do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Do?
March 10, 2003 "What are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and what do they do?" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "government-sponsored enterprises" (GSEs). This means that they are privately owned, but receive support from the Federal Government, and assume some public ... more...

Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

conforming loan related definitions

Non Conforming Loan
Non Conforming Loan A loan that does not meet the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines. This is also known as a portfolio mortgage. The loan can't be sold on the secondary market so it must keep it and service it in its own portfolio. Non-conforming loans have ... more...

Secondary Mortgage Market
Secondary Mortgage Market The place where primary mortgage lenders sell the mortgages to investors like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in order to obtain more funds for originating more new loans. Secondary mortgage market provides liquidity for the lenders. Government-sponsored ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Vultures and Victims
Has anyone noticed how many loan companies now fill up the commercial breaks? Sofa, after of sofa of happy couples are shown, with carefully manipulated stereotypes discussing the consolidation of their finances, recommending a particular provider. Couples, who have had loan requests knocked back ... more...

A Cure for an Ailing Credit
Credit has become a much-used word, thanks to the various connotations that it is being used in. Transactions in which the payment is deferred to the near future are termed as credit transactions.Ever thought why the grocer sells goods on deferred payment- because of a good credit that you enjoy. ... more...

Know Your Mortgage Fees, and You'll Never Pay Too Much for Your Loan
If you buy new windows, youll not only pay for the windows, you will also pay an installation fee. When you purchase a car, you pay tax, title, assumption fee, etc. Just about every major purchase comes with extra costs or fees, and home loans are no different. Most people think they dont have to ... more...

Tips For First Home Buyers On Getting Home Loans
Buying your first home will likely be the biggest and most important purchase you will ever make. It can be a very stressful and may even leave you sleepless for nights on end wondering whether you are making the right decision especially where choosing the right home loan is concerned.With all ... more...

Are You Really A Twenty First Century Investor
Todays residential real estate market for investors has become very competitive in most major markets. The vast majority of real estate investing seminars and clubs are encouraging you to search out desperate home owners or distressed properties to be rehabbed.Not to mention the fact that todays ... more...

Capitalizing Small and Medium Businesses; A new idea
Here is an idea to capitalize small businesses using Financial Markets instead of SBA loans and Small Banks. There is a break down in the system. First the process is too bureaucratic since it is supervised by a government agency. Often taking 30 plus days with all the required paperwork. Typically ... more...

Top Tips for First Time Home Buyers
Advice to Help When You're Buying a HomeFirst time home buyers might feel better to know that they're not the only ones who feel confused about the process of buying a home. Nearly all home buyers feel the same way, even if they've bought a house in the past, because it's easy to forget the home ... more...

How to Secure the Best Mortgage Deal and Save Yourself Thousands in Interest
When you consider that the average home owner will pay out far more in interest over the lifetime of their mortgage than their home actually cost in the first place, you can see why working to secure yourself the best possible mortgage deal now could save you tens of thousands of dollars in ... more...

10 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Buying a Home
Home Buying Don'tsYour home buying process is well underway. The sellers accepted your offer to purchase. The home is officially under contract and you're counting down the days to closing. The lender pre-approved you, so buying the house is a sure thing, right?Not quite. Nothing is certain until ... more...

Real Estate Wealth Protection Through Short Sales
Is a sharp correction in store for the real estate market?Fannie Mae, the largest buyer of mortgages in the US, is worried. They recently warned that the probability of a housing bust has risen sharply in certain parts of the country.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financed about 43% of new home ... more...

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