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Mortgage Professor about challenged credit: 
Avoiding Mortgage Predators
August 20, 2001 ?I read a lot about predatory lending.  How do I avoid becoming a victim??    To educate myself on what makes a victim, I recently studied 51 case histories of households ... more...

How Do You Avoid Mortgage Predators?
August 20, 2001 ?I read a lot about predatory lending.  How do I avoid becoming a victim??    To educate myself on what makes a victim, I recently studied 51 case histories of households ... more...

challenged credit related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

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Get Free challenged credit Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Whatever You Do....Don't Save Money!
No, that's not a misprint. Even though falling interest rates are good when you want to get a loan, they are bad for people with savings accounts.In this economy your best investment, the best place to put your money is into paying off debts. Think of it as investing in your debt because that is ... more...

How I Raised My Credit Score 40 Points in 24hrs AND Saved $658 a Month in Interest!
Its never easy to talk about credit. Not with friends, not with family, not online, and, most of all, not with myself. Yes, I let a monthly payment go by here and there. Ive maxed out my share of credit cards. Ive bought cars that I really couldnt afford. I ate out. A lot. At expensive restaurants. ... more...

HasYour Computer Hard Drive Ever Crashed? Are You Challenged by Backups?
The following scenarios have probably been repeated thousands of times, on computer systems of all kinds and sizes, operated by all levels of users from complete novice, to expert user. You log on and your computer will not boot to your operating system. You have installed some piece of new ... more...

Buying Your First Investment Property
"Begin With The End In Mind"I first heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind" in a Steven Covey book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This expression makes a lot of sense because the fact is, you can't get where you're going, unless you know where you want to go.Most new ... more...

Repairing Credit
Credit score repair involves techniques for removing negative items from your credit report. These are the exact same methods credit score repair clinics and attorneys may charge up to $3,500 to perform. It is also possible to outsmart creditors who are damaging your credit score.1. Many times the ... more...

Home Loans for Credit Challenged Borrowers
Just because you have negative items on your credit report doesn't mean you can't obtain a home mortgage loan. There are options for you. Bad credit is not the end of the world. It's true that getting a bad credit mortgage loan is not always the easiest or fastest mortgage loan out there, but you ... more...

Learning the Disturbing Facts about Credit Card Debt
When I received my first credit card in the mail at age 18 I was ecstatic, I said to myself, wow now Im getting somewhere in life. This credit card company thinks Im worthy of 500 dollars in credit. So I made my monthly payments like a good consumer and watched my credit limit grow. I thought boy ... more...

Leadership Development Interview with Stephen Covey
The call and need of a new era is for greatness. Its for fulfillment, passionate execution and significant contribution. - Stephen R. Covey, from The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to GreatnessMaking a rare public appearance in Toronto at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre, world-respected ... more...

Payroll Cards Improve Direct Deposit Participation
It has been estimated that 50 percent to 60 percent of employees paid in the United States participate in a direct deposit service offered by their employers for payroll funds. This is a growing trend as there are many benefits to employers and employees alike. Direct deposit involves a series of ... more...

Credit Report And Correction Techniques
The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted to them about you. Their report includes where you live, your bill-paying habits, and bankruptcy and arrest information. The information ... more...

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