Cutting Edge Real Estate, Is the Bubble Ready To Burst?
Of course, this is the big question in real estate now. . .Will the so-called real estate bubble burst like the dot-com
bubble did a few years back?There are some good arguments
on both sides of the issue. Whatever happens in the next few
years, it will affect millions of Americans, and ...
Is the Real Estate Bubble About to Burst?
How long can prices rise before no one can afford to buy? In a nutshell, that is the basic question that is niggling at the back of our collective subconscious when we talk about the real estate bubble.Real estate is appreciating at staggering rates - as much as 19% in some counties in Florida ...
The Bubble Effect
Turn on the TV at almost any time day or night and you will find news and talk shows informing us that there is a Real Estate bubble. What is a bubble and how do they know? The simple principle of what goes up must come down is being applied in general thought now and many in the public are ...
Property Investment - What Future For the Biggest Bubble of All Time?
The Economist magazine published a special report in this months issue entitled House Prices After The Fall. Some might call it pessimistic, alarmist, nonsense or worse but only the foolish would choose to ignore the research that comes out of a think-tank with the kind of resources that this ...
Mortgage Delinquency Facts and Fiction
Kenneth Harney, a highly respected columnist for the Washington Post, expressed surprise in his column recently because home buyers in high-cost parts of the country like California, Hawaii, Boston and Washington, D.C. are not leading the nation in mortgage delinquencies.Mr. Harney stated (in near ...
The Great Real Estate Bubble Quiz
You hear it asked on the radio, in the newspapers and on TV."Are we experiencing a value bubble in real estate and is itready to burst?"Do you have an answer for that question? Do you have a
guess?Yes, I know the so called experts are lining up on both
sides of the question. But what about you? ...
Real Estate Bubble? How to Profit in ANY Real Estate Market
With all the talk of a pending real estate bubble or falling sales prices, real estate investors need to guard their money and find new ways to make money. No matter what the market does, you can make money investing in real estate when you know what to do and what to avoid.How to Make Money ...
Ready to Sign that Lease Agreement?
The real estate market is booming across the United States, especially in select areas of California as well as Las Vegas. Even the sleepy town of Boise, Idaho is experiencing record breaking primary residential development. Where ever you happen to live, you have probably noticed its not so easy ...
The Real Estate Bubble-When Will it Burst?
More and more individuals are realizing that real estate is much safer, and a better return on investment than many traditional investment vehicles. Unlike stocks or bonds, real estate investments can usually be liquidated in order for the investor to access funds in far less time. Additionally, ...