How to Buy a Home When Your in Your Twenties
A Singles Game of Real Estate
(Getting started in your twenties)Due to the fact that most of us grow up in either a rented apartment or our parents single family home, it stands to reason that most people, when beginning to ask themselves the question of purchasing their own dwelling, will come to ...
Playful Parenting - More than Just Fun and Games
Early childhood educators have called play childrens work. Many parents believe their children should be doing something more productive than merely having fun. But, actually, play fosters physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. Encouraging your child to play is vital for his ...
Getting Ready to Sell Your Property
We all have had the experience of someone important coming to the house and whether the visitor is an in-law, an old friend, or business associate you know the drill: Have the house in "show" condition.For investors the situation is much the same: First impressions count!!!! Even though you may ...
Gemstone Beads
A gemstone is a precious or semi-precious stone used for jewelry. Scientifically, it is a mineral, rock or petrified material. Some beautiful gemstones are too soft or too fragile to be used in jewelry, for example, single-crystal rhodochrosite, but are exhibited in museums and are sought by ...
The Five Debt Triggers for Women
The average American is over $7,100 in debt (not including a mortgage) and three out of five families can't afford to pay off their credit cards each month.Still, as a culture we keep spending-on clothing, luxury cars, gourmet meals, electronics, CDs, you name it-and some would surely argue that ...
Finding, Fixing, Financing, and Flipping - The Short Course
Most people get involved in Real Estate investing to make money.Pretty self-evident - or, is it?What would you say if I told you that everything you have been taught about Real Estate investing and making money "rehabbing" your real estate investments is wrong?Well, at least, much of it!Let's take ...
Screenwriting: The Incredibles (2004) Deconstructed
From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at www.managing-creativity.comThe Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.The ...
Housewarming Gift Ideas - What is Appropriate?
A friend of yours has just made the transition from renter to homeowner. So what to give as a housewarming gift? Friends that you are close with are the easiest. You want it to be personal, memorable as purchasing the home was.You can wait for the housewarming party or you can take the initiative ...
A Singles Game of Real Estate
This discussion leans toward answering questions asked most often by our youthful men and women in there early twenties. They often begin to ask themselves the question, Should I consider buying a home, condo/town-home or some other type of real estate that I can call my own? Due to the fact that ...