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Mortgage Professor about back end points: 
Avoiding Markups on Third Party Settlement Services
December 17, 2001 ?The Federal appellate court in the 7th circuit recently ruled that it is legal for lenders to make a profit on third party services sold to borrowers, such as appraisals and credit reports. In contrast, HUD has always said that markups were illegal if there were no ... more...

Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

back end points related definitions

Back End Pionts vs Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker ... more...

Back End Points vs. Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker. ... more...

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Get Free back end points Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Online Advertising Versus Traditional Media Advertising
Before I compare today's online advertising with traditional media advertising I will make an analogy.If you've been on the Internet for as long as I have, you probably noticed that things have changed dramatically. About 6, 7 years if you were using online dating sites it was a lot easier to ... more...

NFL Players To Watch This Season
Of course quarterbacks and running backs get all the attention. They score touchdowns, they sell Chunky Soup, and they get to bang the homecoming queen. They're the ones with the big contracts and the guys who can be rewarded with either too much blame or too much credit. Then there are the dozens ... more...

Quality Recovery and Rework - When It All Goes Wrong
When Quality is the Target, but not the Result, what do you do?While Quality may be the overarching goal of all production, stuff happens, resulting in non-conforming parts. This results in failure verification, rework, recalls, sorting, kitting, retest, relabeling and pipeline management, which ... more...

How to Select the Best Factoring Finance Company for your Business
What is factoring? Factoring is an innovative method of business financing that allows clients to get an accelerated payment on their slow paying invoices. Traditionally, when a company offers its services to another business, they need to wait between thirty to sixty days to get paid. Although ... more...

Student Credit Cards Pros and Cons
Most people agree that learning to manage ones personal finances at an early age is imperative. I certainly did not have much guidance in this area when I was studying and between seeing my friends and cramming for exams it did not rate as a high priority! Financial independence is something most ... more...

First Time Home Buyers - Get Your Top 5 Mortgage Questions Answered Here!
Buying a home for the first time can be a little rattling, as it is a huge financial investment and responsibility that will stay with you for years. If you are not familiar with how to buy a home and get a mortgage, then use this information to get a little insight as to what a mortgage is, and ... more...

Why Gamble on Sports?
Its really not that big of a stretch of the ole imagination to think that todays gamblers are no different than gamblers of old, the only real difference is what gamblers of old wagered on and what gamblers of today wager on.Today we gamble on a lot of the very same things that gamblers of ... more...

Buying a Home when Rates go Up
Many people fret the rising tide of interest rates. Youll hear things like, Did I miss the boat? Is it too expensive now to buy a home? How can I afford the house of my dreams? Maybe I should wait! Maybe I should just rent for a while! Maybe the rates will go down in a few weeks. Stop! ... more...

Guiding Borrowers Through the Maze of Secured Loans
Before offering tips to borrowers planning to take secured loans, it will be necessary to first define the need for a guide to secured loans, i.e. why a customer needs to be guided through secured loans. There are two reasons. Firstly, lenders lend not out of generosity. The loan has to be paid ... more...

Credit Card Blues
For the average American family, debt, and especially credit card debt is spiraling out of control at a record pace. The average household credit card debt has risen dramatically from $3000 in 1990 to over $8000 today. Personal bankruptcies are also at an all time high, prompting Congress to ... more...

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