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Mortgage Professor about arm loan start rate: 
Adjustable Rate Mortgages with Flexible Payments
19 January 2004, Revised 15 February 2005, 1 August 2005 Flexible payment ARMs carry a variety of names in the marketplace: "1 Month Option Arm", "12 MTA Pay Option ARM," "Pick a Payment Loan", "1-Month MTA", "Cash Flow Option ... more...

Pay Points on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
November 22, 1999 " I understand that if I intend to stay in my house a long time, it may pay me to pay extra points to reduce the interest rate, but does this apply to ARMs?? Does the interest rate reduction on an ARM only apply to the starting rate, or does it carry ... more...

arm loan start rate related definitions

Variable Rate Mortgage
Variable Rate Mortgage The variable rate mortgage, affectionately know as Adjusatuble rate mortgage or ARM is a mortgage with a rate that will adjust over time. You may be familiar with the term three year ARM, or five-year ARM. ... more...

Back End Pionts vs Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

What Is An Adjustable Rate Mortgage or ARM?
An adjustable rate mortgage is a mortgage loan that is fixed for a set period of time and then adjusts based on the rates during the adjustment period. Some common adjustable rate mortgage loans terms are 1/1, 3/1, 5/1, 7/1, and 10/1. The first number in what appears to be a fraction is the amount ... more...

Refinance Mortgage Lenders - Finding The Best Refinance Lender
Finding a good lender to refinance your mortgage can be almost as important a decision as the actual mortgage you choose. In order to make a wise selection of a refinancing lender you should do four things:1.Know the objective of your mortgage refinanceDo you want to lower your current interest ... more...

Home Loan Interest Rates What Are The Key Features Of Fixed Rate And ARM's?
When you're choosing a home loan, there are two big decisions you need to make, namely whether to take a fixed interest rate or an adjustable interest rate mortgage.It is important for you to be aware of what these different type of home loan interest rates encompass and also know which one would ... more...

Introductory Offer Vs. Lifetime Low
What is an introductory offer?When you take out a mortgage or move your mortgage, your proposed lender may offer you an introductory home mortgage rate. Introductory offers are normally in the form of a reduced interest rate; the most common form is a set percentage below the standard interest rate ... more...

Mortgages: Encouraging Stronger Personal Economic Growth
Monetary policy of every individual works though different channels. Financial conditions are fluctuating always making way for loopholes in your particular economy. Being a homeowner equips you with the ability to take on mortgages for sustained economic expansion. You have already completed the ... more...

Introductory Offer Versus Lifetime Low
What is an introductory offer?When you take out a mortgage or move your mortgage, your proposed lender may offer you an introductory home mortgage rate. Introductory offers are normally in the form of a reduced interest rate; the most common form is a set percentage below the standard interest rate ... more...

Housing Bubbles and You
Are we in a housing bubble? To answer that question first we need to understand what a housing bubble actually is. A housing bubble is what happens when the there is a significant rise in the market that is mostly due to the expectation that the prices will continue to rise. The bubble will not ... more...

Fixed Rate Mortgage or ARM? Which is Better?
The fixed rate mortgage offers the certainty of a constant monthly payment, but an adjustable may seduce you with its lower payment. Security or affordability? Which do you choose? Just what is a home buyer to do?Which loan you eventually choose may depend more upon your personality than a careful ... more...

Lenders Provide a Wealth of Auto Finance Alternatives
If you are in the market to finance a new automobile, numerous lenders nationwide are currently competing for your business with a wealth of financing options at your disposal.If you have excellent credit, the sky's the limit in terms of how much financing you qualify for with interest rates that ... more...

Subprime Mortgage Lenders - Sub-prime Loans Now Available Through Traditional Lenders
Sub-prime loans are becoming more readily available through traditional lenders. Even with a bankruptcy or foreclose in your credit history, you can still find financing for the purchase of your home. The key to sub-prime mortgages is to do your research and compare both terms and rates.Your Credit ... more...

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15 Yr Fixed Rate-1.0%
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5/1 ARM-1.0%
3/1 ARM-1.0%
12 MTA-1.0%
COFI 11th District-1.0%
COFI Federal-1.0%
12 Month LIBOR (USD)-1.0%
1 Year CMT-1.0%
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WSJ Prime Rate-1.0%
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Mortgage Indexes Info
30 Yr Fixed Rate
15 Yr Fixed Rate
5/1, 3/1 ARM
12 MTA
COFI 11th District, Federal
12 Month LIBOR (USD)
1 Year CMT
Market Indexes Info
WSJ Prime Rate
Federal Funds
30 Year Treasury


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