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Canceling Private Mortgage Insurance (1)
November 6, 2000 "Is it true that if my house appreciates to where I have 20% equity, I can have my mortgage insurance cancelled?" "My lender refuses to cancel my mortgage insurance because [Fill in the blank with any of a dozen reasons]. Is this legitimate ... more...

Which Reverse Mortgage Option Do I Choose?
October 20, 2003 "I am 75 and plan to take out a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. My problem is that I keep vacillating between the different options. One day I think I want the credit line and the next day I think I want something else. Can you help?" I can?t give you any specific ... more...

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Depreciation Decline in the value of a house due to wear and tear, obsolescence, adverse changes in the neighborhood, or any other reason. Depreciation is treated as an expense and is a line item on an income statement. Depreciation can only be applied to the building and not ... more...

Survey A measurement of land, diagram, prepared by a registered land surveyor, showing the location of the land, legal boundaries with reference to know points, its dimensions, and the location and dimensions of any buildings. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Are you in a Really Communicative Second Language Classroom?
In this new installment of our mini-articles on second language acquisition, I would like to address a concern common both in teachers and in students. Almost everyone has heard about the need for authentic communication in the classroom and almost every single course on the market and even ... more...

Is Home Mortgage Refinancing Really Worth It?
Is it really worth it? Excellent question... since the refinancing process can take upwards of 2-3 months to complete, plus the expenses and hassles of refinancing may outweigh the benefits.Not everyone should refinance just because rates are lower. The general rule of thumb is to consider ... more...

WARNING! New Ad Scam Alerts
A lot of classified ads promote quick and easy weight-loss products and programs. They cannot deliver what they promise. Another hot area in the classifieds Ads are "business opportunities." Work at home schemes, such as making arts and crafts or stuffing envelopes, have been replaced by offers to ... more...

Brand Awareness - Brand Identity
About once a month a few of us at the office get together during lunch for what has become known as a SWAP meeting. We share thoughts, stories and sometimes play Pictionary. Its a great way to relieve stress and learn interesting tidbits about the people we work with.One afternoon our conversation ... more...

Selling of Real Estate by Non-Residents of Canada
As I deal routinely with non-resident investors wanting to sell Canadian real estate assets, I would like to shed some light on this otherwise somewhat arcane subject. DISCLAIMER: please note that the following essay is presented solely for general information purposes, it is not intended to be ... more...

Lawsuit Funding
In the past six or seven years a new fast growing financial product for personal injury plaintiffs has emerged. Known by many names such as lawsuit funding, legal funding, litigation funding, pre-settlement funding, lawsuit advance, case funding and many other variations, this product offers ... more...

Real Estate Season is Here
Yes, it has finally arrived. This is the time of year when the MLS or Multiple Listing Services go up like crazy in all most every city, town and village.So, what does this mean for you? Well, it might mean absolutely nothing...or, it might mean a huge profitable opportunity. How so you ask? Read ... more...

A Fathers Dilemma: Can We Help Our Children, Without Crippling Them?
Breakdown in the Becky Lane!I'd just sat down at my office away from home, the local Panera, when another regular customer, Harold, sidled up to my table. We'd chatted a number of times before, and he was intrigued by my title of Financial Sanity Coach and knew I had been working on my book, "Good ... more...

Finding The Perfect Mortgage
Today, it seems as if everyone is offering a mortgage to those that are looking to purchase a home. There are mortgage lenders here and there, offering the lowest rates the best financing and the best terms but what is the truth to all of this? Many times, people find themselves lured into ... more...

There's More To Making Money Than A Tertiary Education
An education of some sort is a prerequisite these days if you want to start a secure career in whatever field you choose. However, have you thought about where this will get you exactly? Will it help you achieve all your dreams in life, both financial, physical, emotional etc?This article is ... more...

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