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Mortgage Professor about adjustable mortgage: 
How Does Negative Amortization on a Mortgage Work?
September 15, 1998 Negative Amortization and Related Concepts Ordinarily, the mortgage payment you make to the lender has two parts: interest due the lender for the month, and amortization of principal. Amortization means ... more...

Borrower Guide to Adjustable Rate Mortgages
September 29, 2001 Most borrowers who take adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) need them to qualify for the loan they want. Because the initial rate on ARMs is usually lower than the rate on fixed rate mortgages (FRMs), these ... more...

adjustable mortgage related definitions

Adjustable Rate Mortgage, ARM
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Also known as a variable rate mortgage. The interest rate on these mortgages changes periodically. Variable or adjustable loans are loans whose interest rate fluctuates over the period of the ... more...

Margin The amount a lender adds to the index on an adjustable rate mortgage to establish the adjusted interest rate. Margin is constant throughout the life of the loan. INDEX + MARGIN = FULLY INDEXED RATE Example using the 1 Year Treasury: 1 Year Treasury Index = ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How Caps Can Protect You From Paying High Monthly Mortgage Payments
Adjustable rate mortgages can be a great choice for first time home buyers. As opposed to a fixed rate mortgage, which the interest rate remains the same for the entire life of the loan, an adjustable rate mortgage changes according to an index rate, usually chosen by the mortgage lender.This index ... more...

ARM Adjustable Rate Mortgages
Traditionally, homebuyers could look to two forms of mortgages fixed rate and adjustable mortgages. While there are now many more options, this article takes a look at the adjustable rate mortgage.What is an ARM Loan?An adjustable rate mortgage [ARM] is a basic mortgage with one important ... more...

Short-Term Interest Rates on the Rise; Adjustable Rate Mortgage Holders Prepare for Increase in Rate
Interest rates are on the rise and many home owners who have adjustable rate mortgages may see increases in their forthcoming annual adjustments.Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan made it clear in 2004 that the Federal Reserve would be increasing short-term interest rates at a measured pace. ... more...

What is a Fixed-To-Adjustable Rate Mortgage?This type of mortgage offers fixed payments for an initial loan period of up to10 years then followed by an adjustable interest rate for the remaining term of your mortgage. Payments are usually lower than most fixed rate mortgages.Why should you ... more...

Understanding Fixed-rate Mortgages
A fixed-rate mortgage is a mortgage on which the interest rate is set for the term of the loan. Your interest rate stays the same for the term of the mortgage or for a specified period of time. Most people use a fixed-rate mortgage. In fact, about 75 percent of all home mortgages have fixed rates. ... more...

Traditional Mortgages are Back in Style
The housing boom of recent years has allowed many Americans to purchase homes. Many new homeowners used non-traditional mortgages such as interest only and option loans to finance their purchases. Interest rates are still at historically low levels; however, mortgage interest rates are on the ... more...

Adjustable Rate Mortgages - Understand the Benefits Compared to a Fixed Rate Mortgage
Adjustable rate mortgages can be very tempting to home buyers, yet they carry a great deal of uncertainty. Fixed rate mortgages offer rate and payment security, but they are more expensive. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of ARMs and fixed rate mortgages before you decide which is right ... more...

Home Mortgage Loans - Fixed Rate, Adjustable or Balloon, Which One Is Right For You?
When you're shopping for a new homeespecially for the first timeall the terms and expressions may be confusing and difficult to understand. Adjustable rate, fixed rate, balloon payment - how do you decide which is the right type of home mortgage for you if you're not even sure what each of them are ... more...

Mortgage Loan Information - Know The Basics When You Refinance or Purchase a Home
If you are currently looking for a new home, chances are that in all the excitement you wont really give any thought to the type of home loan mortgage you take out, instead going with the first one offered to you. This could be a serious mistake costing you thousands, if not tens of thousands. ... more...

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Basics
Lenders designate Adjustable Rate Mortgages with a series of numbers. You will see loans designated 1:1, 3:2 or even 5:1. These numbers tell you the number of years your mortgage will have a fixed rate and how frequently after that your interest rate will be changed after that. For example a 1:1 ... more...

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Mortgage Indexes Info
30 Yr Fixed Rate
15 Yr Fixed Rate
5/1, 3/1 ARM
12 MTA
COFI 11th District, Federal
12 Month LIBOR (USD)
1 Year CMT
Market Indexes Info
WSJ Prime Rate
Federal Funds
30 Year Treasury


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