Why Laughter Is Good For You
How Laughter Can Reduce Stress and Improve Your HealthA merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. -Proverbs 17:22Feeling stressed out, angry or sad? Dread going to work?Try this: Open your mouth as wide as you can, bug out your eyes, stick out
your tongue, bring ...
How To Repair Your Credit Report
A credit report is run on a buyer when he or she needs to buy something that will take a long-term loan, such as an automobile or a house. The credit report can come from one of three agencies Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Each of these three agencies uses their own techniques of arriving ...
Top 10 Things NOT To Tell Angel and VC Investors
I am not writing this to create a list of things not to say so people can hide the facts or in any way mislead potential investors. On the contrary I personally believe you must be 100% upfront with any potential investors, and even volunteer some weaknesses to be credible. I am writing it to ...
RESPA: The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) is a consumer protection statute, first passed in 1974. One of its purposes is to help consumers become better shoppers for settlement services. Another purpose is to eliminate kickbacks and referral fees that increase unnecessarily the costs of ...
Corporate Espionage in Franchising
Franchising Trade Journals do not do well, because today with all the industry regulations only about 1800 active franchise actually exist in the US. Down sharply over the past five years. Why? Over-regulation. Now you have a Bank Cooperative, which owns a company that collect data, FranData of ...
6 REASONS for Investing in Florida Real Estate Investment Property NOW
I invite you to take the next few minutes to learn the truth about the real estate market, how it compares to other methods of building assets and why it is such a lucrative form of investing. Many potential investors will say, 'I need to get into the Florida Investment Property market', especially ...
'Budget' is a Four-Letter Word - Create a Spending Plan You Can Live With
'Budget' is a four-letter word when it comes to your personal finances, but face it--if you don't decide ahead of time what's most important to you, it's easier than pie to slip into that nearly-impossible-to-break habit of living bigger than your paycheck. Use these tips to get started on creating ...
Should the Government Compensate the Clients of TAT?
This, of course, is a political decision. There is no "right" thing to do. Even the IMF imperatives are not sacred. Sometimes, inflationary goals should be sacrifice to avoid the total collapse of the banking system and, with it, the economy as a whole.Unfortunately, a lot of experience has been ...
Beating Debt with a Stick
Debt is a Product in AmericaThe #1 sickness in America concerning finances right now is debt. Debt is a product in our culture and it is vigorously aimed at you and me everyday, everywhere. As a society, we borrow more money than the last two generations times two and your online credit report ...
Franchise Buyers from Hell
I ran a franchise company for many years, a car wash franchise, and we use to get the most ridiculous franchise buyers who thought they wanted a franchise. It seems we had to deal with these Kookoo birds because they have consumer rights and the Federal Trade Commission, which looks over ...