Even With Credit Problems... You Can Get A Loan Within 30 Days, If You're Willing To Work At It
A wise friend once told me that *extraordinary people* are just *ordinary people* who do extraordinary things.It's the same way with loans. People that get loans after being turned down are not extraordinary people, they are ordinary people who do extraordinary things to get their loan.Here's an ...
Who Are You? - Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft
In the movie The Net, Sandra Bullock played the role of a victim of identity theft. In fact, she was basically erased from the community. Another woman consumed her identity, taking with it everything Sandra Bullocks character had - including her bank accounts, license and social security number, ...
It's Your Credit - Take Care of It!
Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureausExperian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com or calling 1-877-322-8228.Monitoring your ...
Protect Yourself From Holiday ID Theft
You know its time to start worrying about holiday shopping when the trees and giant Santas come out in all of the stores. One store I shop at is already playing holiday music!The stores are gearing up for the holiday shopping season already. And so are identity thieves. Its the happiest time of the ...
Your Affiliate Business and Taxes
Starting a home-based business on the Internet is easy you say.
You have your web page built, your affiliate links and you're
ready to go. Not really, you need to make sure you have all your
i's and t's crossed when it comes to taxes.Getting StartedFirst, you will need to register your business ...
Free Credit Reports: From The 3 Major Credit Bureau's!
Get your credit report online for FREE. Many financial advisors suggest that you periodically review your credit report for inaccuracies or omissions.This could be especially important if you're considering making a major purchase, such as buying a home. Checking in advance on the accuracy of ...
The Three Largest Factors In Your Interest Rate
There are three major factors that affect how much you pay for a loan. Understanding these factors can save you time, money and frustration.1. The Federal Reserve Discount Interest Rate.Banks and other lending institutions borrow money from the Federal Reserve Banks. The discount rate is the ...
Are You The Only One Using Your Name?
Identity theft has become an epidemic. Millions and millions of purses and wallets are stolen everyday and many of them are not just taken for the money inside. Thieves can use your credit cards to buy whatever they want to and whose credit does it ruin? Yours. Now, you are probably thinking about ...
The Economy's Greatest Depression Downturn Ever Is Now Just A Few Years Away
What really controls the economy? Forget interest rates, forget deficits, forget the Fed, forget IRAQ, forget which party is in office. In fact, forget just about everything that permeates the news. The greatest force that has controlled the long-term trend of the economy for at least the last ...
Advanced How-To Credit Repair Tips
If you have been denied new credit because of your existing bad credit then you will save time and money by following these three steps.Explains WHY your credit repair rights are legally protected.Describes WHERE you should begin to start your credit repair actions.Dictates HOW your credit repair ...
Filling Out The Loan Application
1. Property information. The application begins with a section on the property. Questions as to the type of loan sought, the terms of the loan, location and legal description of the property, the property's value, and the manner of taking title must be completed. This information is used to ...
Credit Repair? It's All Up to You
Log onto to a search engine such as google.com and type in the term credit repair. Its likely that Google will return more than 25 pages of listings, many of which will be companies claiming they can erase bad credit, create a new credit identity legally, credit problems no problem. quick credit ...
8 Point Checklist: Evaluating Online Vendors
Here are 8 things to consider, when evaluating lenders online:Website DesignPrivacy PolicyAbout UsPopularityReputationShort FormPoints, Fees, Terms and RatesCommunication1. Website Design:The webpage is, in fact, the storefront of the internet. In the real world, your first impressions make all ...