Why You Should Write To Inform And Not To Sell
Advertising is key! Unfortunately most people waste their money on advertising unless they can play by the numbers. Playing by the numbers is simply spending enough money on advertising and saturating the market so much, that percentage wise, enough people will want to see what you have to offer. ...
Expect the Best and Get It
The famous prayer of Jabez, where Jabez prayed for prosperity, is a model of expectant thinking that we can all benefit from. "And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me ...
A Bad Real Estate Market is Good for Real Estate Investors and the Country!
The real estate industry in this country is in for a rude awakening!The realtors, mortgage brokers, investors (really speculators) and Alan Greenspan are whistling past the grave yard, living on borrowed time.Few people realize how bad the real estate market can become. I remember in the late 70s ...
Go for the 'Reversible Decision' - A Great Way to Leave Financial Regret Behind!
If youre just fresh out of school, you may or may not have had the privilege yet of regretting some of your financial decisions. But the time is coming for everyoneit just seems to go with the territory of growing up and living on your own. One of my goals as the president of Education for Reality ...
Back To The Future - Big Changes Are Coming, Get Ready Now
The comments below are quoted from a recent speech by Ben Bernanke, a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors..."Looking forward, I am sure that the Committee will continue to watch the oil
situation carefully. However, future monetary-policy choices will not be closely linked to the ...
5 Secrets for Surviving a Real Estate Market Downturn
History repeatedly serves to show us that the real estate market is cyclical. It has boom times and stagnant times, occasionally it suffers a crash but real estate never becomes worthless, therefore if the experts are right and were about to suffer a slow to stagnant period in the real estate ...
Take It To The Customer
In the past, purchasing ad space was the solution to every entrepreneur's marketing challenge. Then it was direct mail, followed by telemarketing. But with advertising and postage costs on the rise, these tactics have lost some of their appeal.
Today the competition is fierce for a customers' ...
Ive Heard About FACTA; What Does It mean?
What FACTA means is that if you, as an individual, lose the information on anyone you have ever hired; or, for any business in the United States of America that collects any personal information on people, if the information should be lost due to not destroying the information properly, then two ...
How NOT to Get a Freelance Writing Job
In the business of freelance writing, it's not enough to be good at writing. You also have to be good at finding work and selling yourself when you do. Persuading a new client to let you write for them, rather than one of the hundreds of other writers out there, can be an art in itself. Here's how ...
Even With Credit Problems... You Can Get A Loan Within 30 Days, If You're Willing To Work At It
A wise friend once told me that *extraordinary people* are just *ordinary people* who do extraordinary things.It's the same way with loans. People that get loans after being turned down are not extraordinary people, they are ordinary people who do extraordinary things to get their loan.Here's an ...
Bonds Deals Baseball yet Another Black Eye
As the steroid talk swirls around baseball like the juice surging into Jason Giambis veins, Americas favorite pastime continues to be bruised, right when spring training is getting started. First, it was Giambis admission of taking the muscle-enhancing drug. Then, Jose Canseco shocked the sports ...
Real Estate for Beginners: Residential Property Taxes
Whenever you own a piece of land, you will be taxed for it. Whether it is commercial property or residential property, there is still a tax to pay, whether it is for a village, town, city, county, or state. Most residential private property taxes are handled on the local level, going no higher than ...
Selling Houses with Curb Appeal and Design Psychology
Curb appeal is the most important challenge you'll face when selling your home. You must make home shoppers feel like getting out of their car to see what's behind the front door. Imagine prospective buyers driving up and examining your property for the first time. Your goal is to have them exclaim ...
Loan Officer Training: Learn How To Shape Realtors Perceptions
In medicine, a placebo is a pill that you think will make you better, and so it does. In your business, a placebo is a prospect having the experiences they expect to have, and so they have them.For example, you take your vehicle to get serviced. You walk into a clean lobby and are greeted warmly ...