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What's the Remedy for Predatory Lending?
August 20, 2001 "How do we get rid of predatory lending?" Community Action There are 4 general approaches to getting rid of predatory lending.  The first is to identify predators and either persuade them to change their practices or counsel consumers to ... more...

How Do You Shop For a HELOC?
October 20, 2003 "Do I shop for a HELOC in the same way as I would shop for another mortgage?" No, shopping for a HELOC is very different from shopping for a standard mortgage. In most respects, it is simpler, if you know what you are doing. A HELOC is a line of credit ... more...

prime lending rate related definitions

Prime Rate
Prime Rate In North American banking, the prime rate is the interest rate a banks charge to their best or "prime" customers. Each bank will quote a prime lending rate. Many institutions quote prime rates established by large money center commercial banks such as ... more...

Adjustable Rate Mortgage, ARM
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Also known as a variable rate mortgage. The interest rate on these mortgages changes periodically. Variable or adjustable loans are loans whose interest rate fluctuates over the period of the ... more...

More about prime lending rate

Home Equity Loan Improvements
There's more Regulation Z compliance on the way, courtesy of the Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act. This fall banks will have to implement the new home equity loan disclosure rules the Federal Reserve Board was required to issue under the act.The Federal Reserve released the final version of ... more...

The Right Home Loan - Floating or Fixed Rate Loan
Choosing a home loan has never been tougher. Yes, with all these cheap interest rates floating around, you as a customer are faced with a happy predicament. The banker finally seems to be your friend. He calls you in the morning, day and evening. He remembers your name and offers you the best deal ... more...

Bad Credit Home Loan - Apply Online and Keep Your Credit Score as High as Possible
If you have a poor or bad credit history with something in your past like a bankruptcy or a foreclosure, you know how difficult it can be when you try to get financing for a home mortgage purchase, refinance, home equity or second mortgage loan. Its important to be persistant in looking because ... more...

Top 10 Things to Consider on Home Loans
Here are our Top 10 most important things to consider when shopping for a Home Loan, Equity Line of Credit, or Refinance, courtesy of Loans-Directory.Org:Down-PaymentFixed Versus Adjustable RateAPRLoan TypesLoan Amount Qualification, IncomeLoan Amount Qualification, ExpensesEmployment and Credit ... more...

Bad Credit Loans and Lender Questions & Answers
Q: What is a private investor and how do they differ from a hard money lender or a subprime lender?A: A private investor is an individual who lends out their own funds to borrowers who are unable to obtain a loan from a traditional lender such as a bank. It is also possible for private investors to ... more...

Home Equity Loans: Abusive Lending and How to Avoid It
Home Equity loans were initially designed to allow individuals who had not yet paid off the full amount of their home, the ability to borrow against what portion of the home they had paid for. So for example, a couple who had been making monthly payments for many years on their 30 year lease, ... more...

The Three Largest Factors In Your Interest Rate
There are three major factors that affect how much you pay for a loan. Understanding these factors can save you time, money and frustration.1. The Federal Reserve Discount Interest Rate.Banks and other lending institutions borrow money from the Federal Reserve Banks. The discount rate is the ... more...

The Three Factors of Credit-Worthiness
Between the Internet, well-meaning family and friends, and know-it-all articles in the print media, it's hard to know where the facts end and the nonsense begins. Facts are everywhere, but so are urban legends, hidden agendas, and opinions posing as truth. Fact or fallacy - it can be devilishly ... more...

The Real Estate Cycle
The real estate cycle, like the business cycle, refers to the activity of the real estate market as it reacts to the forces of supply and demand.Supply and demand.When demand for a product, such as housing, exceeds the supply, the price for the product tends to increase. In real estate this ... more...

A Credit Card Glossary of Terms
The Credit card industry comes with a lot of jargon. You cant be expected to recognise all the technical phrases employed and some of them could be very important. Listed below you will find a quick description of the most common credit card industry related terms and phrases.Affinity card A credit ... more...

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