How To Get A Credit Card No Matter How Bad Your Credit Rating
Your credit is bad. Perhaps you have a string of unpaid bills haunting your past. Maybe you declared bankruptcy within the past 10 years, or defaulted on a student loan.All of the above can block your access to obtaining a major credit card, such as VISA or Mastercard.But bad credit is not the ...
Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Too many people opt for this decision before finding out what other alternatives are available to them. Filing for Bankruptcy should be your last resort if possible. We have listed some alternatives for you to consider ...
Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle!
Like It Or Not, You Have A Score To Settle!
(Part 1 of 2 on Credit Scoring)Just when most people finish with school and can stop worrying about test scores, theres a new kind of scoring that enters the picture. Its called credit scoring. And, its impact on your financial future can mean more to ...
Debt Reduction Program - Finding The Right Program For You
Find the right debt reduction program begins by asking yourself some key questions. Once you have identified your situation and goals, you can pick the program with the best results.Ask Yourself Some QuestionsWhat kind of debt are you dealing with mortgage or credit cards? How manageable are your ...
Home Equity Loans Company 7 Key Questions to Help You Choose One
Choosing the right home equity loan can be tricky; you have to consider interest rates and repayment schedules, among others. Choosing the right lender, however, does not have to be a difficult task. If you ask the right questions, you can pick the best lender for your needs. The following is a ...
Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Years Finances!
Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order!
Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation. * Create your 2005 filing system. This might include new file folders, a new box to hold them or space in a filing cabinet with easy access. Mp>* Set up a folder to ...
How To Save Money On Groceries
Unlike a fixed monthly cost such as your mortgage or car payment, the amount you spend on groceries each month is somewhat flexible. While the common advice of clipping coupons and buying generic brands to save money while shopping is sound, by far the best way to truly keep your grocery shopping ...
Save Money When Grocery Shopping
Unlike a fixed monthly cost such as your mortgage or car payment, the amount you spend on groceries each month is somewhat flexible. While the common advice of clipping coupons and buying generic brands to save money while shopping is sound, by far the best way to truly keep your grocery shopping ...
Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Day: Six Tips For Creating Wealth
We all go to school for about twelve years, kindergarten through high school. Some
of us go to college and then graduate school. Personally, I went to school for three
years beyond college with law school and took financial courses after that was over.
In all of that time, economics courses, ...
"How Much Interest is Your Home Equity Earning?"
How much interest are you earning on your home equity? If you answered nothing, zero, zilch, zip you are correct. What would you do if you could get triple compounding on your equity? Would you take action and build a fortune that would allow you to pay off the mortgage and create a retirement ...
No Money Down Loans
You want to buy a home but you do not have money for a down payment or for closing costs? Well, just forget it. At least that is what you have probably been told by people who think they know what they are talking about, but simply do not.There are many loan packages available for people with no ...
Reduce Your Debt With These 5 Tips
It's never pleasant to realize that you're in financial hot water, but pretending the situation doesn't exist is NEVER the way to deal with the problem. If you're having trouble meeting monthly payments, find yourself borrowing or using credit cards to meet daily expenses, or have one or more of ...
What is the PayOption ARM?
Imagine an adjustable rate mortgage that allows you to pick one of four payment options on your monthly mortgage bill. It is an ARM on which the interest rate adjusts monthly and the payment adjusts annually, with borrowers offered options on how large a payment they will make. The options include ...
Helpful Hints for First-Time Home Buyers
Buying a house can be a daunting task, even for someone who has
owned several homes. My husband and I recently purchased our first home together, and it was hard to find good advice that we truly found useful. We had to learn a lot on our own, but at least now we feel comfortable and knowledgeable ...
How To Buy a Home With Bad Credit
Buying a home with bad credit is just a matter of following the basic guidelines for making any major purchase. Knowing your budget ensures you dont get in over your head. And some quick comparison shopping guarantees you find great rates. The following steps will help you to secure financing at ...