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Mortgage Professor about payment responsibility: 
What Is a Wrap-Around Mortgage?
October 21, 2002 "What is a wrap-around mortgage, and who is it good for?" A wrap-around mortgage is a loan transaction in which the lender assumes responsibility for an existing mortgage. For example, S, who has a $70,000 mortgage on his home, sells his home to B for $100,000. B ... more...

How Do I Figure Escrows?
September 6, 1999 "My loan officer tells me I need to deposit $1157 into an escrow account at closing to take care of future taxes and hazard insurance payments, but when I asked him where that number came from he said 'it is set by HUD' and was unable to explain it further. ... more...

payment responsibility related definitions

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

Deed of Trust
Deed Of Trust In many states, this document is used in place of a mortgage to secure the payment of a note. Used in many states in lieu of a mortgage to secure the payment of a note. In a deed of trust there are three ... more...

More about payment responsibility

Understanding Workplace Violence and What You Can Do
Women face a greater likelihood of encountering workplace violence than men.Workplace violence victim: Anyone who has been injured, harmed, or who has suffered in some way due to acts of another while on the job or due to job related factors.Victims are not only those who are the direct targets of ... more...

Repayment of Loans Lessening the Bitterness of the Process
So how have you planned the repayment? Dont tell if you havent started the plannings yet. It is high time the plannings and the decisions be made regarding the repayment of the loan. The amount of loan is a sizeable figure and planning for the repayment on the D-day will only make the repayment ... more...

The Difficulties, Challenges and Problems Of Teleworking, Telecommuting and Working at Home
Working at home, from home, in your pajamas, in the nude, at the beach, working from bed or the easy chair - these are all the images and joys of home working that Kate and I enjoy and many others too. Kate and I sell Real Estate; that is perhaps the most popular telecommuting, work at home; pick ... more...

Taking Control of Your Credit History
Your credit history is important; in fact, in this day and age, only family and your time are more important than your credit history! The first time you established a payment commitment over a period of time for a purchase, you began your history of credit, and the credit bureau created your ... more...

The U.S. Postal Service Delivers Frustration
There it was - an envelope from my insurance company. It seemed like I had just paid my semi-annual automobile insurance bill last month. I opened it up only to find a letter demanding immediate payment of my insurance bill that was due at the end of last month or my insurance would be cancelled! ... more...

Buying A Home In Camden Maine
The process of buying a home is not something to be taken lightly. A home is a large investment, and its your responsibility to select a home that fits your needs and find a manageable mortgage for itno mean feat. Well help break the process down into the most important pieces.Article:In the ... more...

Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch
Shakespeare once said about human nature with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue ... more...

Creative Real Estate Financing
Do the creative real estate financing techniques you hear about really work? Yes and no. They likely have all worked somewhere for someone at least once. The important point is to understand the principles involved, so you can find your own creative ways to invest in real estate. Here are ten ... more...

Clouds on a Title
Before you close you need to be sure that there are no clouds on your title. It is at closing that you will be handed the title from the previous owner, one that has no liens and that is marketable and one that has no clouds. If your title did have a lien it would mean that money was owning, money ... more...

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