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Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

Refinancing With Two Mortgages
September 4, 2000 "I have an 8.75% first mortgage with a balance of $151,000, and a 12% second mortgage with a balance of $37,300.  The second mortgage brought our total mortgage debt above the value of the property at that time, which is why the rate is so high. Our ... more...

new mortgage house title search mortgages loans credit cards related definitions

Secondary Mortgage Market
Secondary Mortgage Market The place where primary mortgage lenders sell the mortgages to investors like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in order to obtain more funds for originating more new loans. Secondary mortgage market provides liquidity for the lenders. Government-sponsored ... more...

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

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House Sitters Love Their Life
There does not seem to be a lack of home owners who seek out the services of a house sitter. Our modern age has drastically changed the lifestyle of many. With business travel, military assignments and even some families owning more than one home, house sitters never have to fear being without a ... more...

Build Better Link Popularity with Syndicated Articles
There are many schools of thought on how to build strong backlinks to a Web site. Some webmasters build reciprocal links, while others register their site in many directories. Still others do both of those, and rent links as well. But one method used by a growing number of webmasters is that of ... more...

Commercially Viable Commercial Mortgages
Commercial mortgages are similar to residential mortgages. Usually taken by businesses, commercial mortgages are secured against business property.Businesses have to make an important decision regarding the premises where the operations are to be carried. It is a buy or rent decision. By acquiring ... more...

Halifax Loans If You Haven't Stumbled on Best Loans Yet
The origin of Halifax loans can be traced back to 1852 when a group met in Old Fax Inn in Halifax to discuss the founding of an investment society. Halifax, now, is a name associated with the competitive rates on personal loans, mortgage, credit card, home insurance. Halifax is a part of Halifax ... more...

The Hazards Of Your First Credit Card
You probably don't need me to tell you credit cards are easy to get a hold of; at least, that is so in the US and UK. How many weeks pass without a glossy brochure promoting a credit card popping through your letter box? And that's just your mail; the tv advertising budgets for credit card ... more...

Your Home Equity Can Work for You
"Use your home's equity to pay off your debt. It's easy and simple, no closing costs!" Every time I turn on the television, commercials bombard me telling me to take out a home equity line of credit. People are using their dream homes to pay for even bigger dreams, like a "debt free" lifestyle and ... more...

How to Buy Your First Condo Without Getting Burned
Well, here I am buying my first condo and boy am I learning alot.First I learned to pick a real estate agent I know or at least one who has been recommended. There are so many behind the scenes deals going on, with some of these realtors, that you can't tell whether they actually care if you get a ... more...

With a Lease, The Devil Is In The Details
In the last article we looked at a few of the things you should consider before leasing that first office or storefront for your business. To recap, you should not only consider the old standard "location, location, location," but also consider things like sufficient parking, the number of ... more...

Things To Consider Before Buying a Condo Hotel or Resort Residence
Resort home ownership, such as condo hotels and fractional shares is different from typical home ownership. So it is important to ask certain questions before signing the purchase agreement on a resort property. The following list of questions typically applies to most types of resort property ... more...

Direct Marketing: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Unstoppable
Every business needs customers, but more importantly every business needs to maintain those customers while constantly retaining new ones. The only successful way of doing this is by learning everything about your customers, including who they are? What do they have in common? Do they share a hobby ... more...

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