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Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

Shopping For a Mortgage On-Line
September 19, 2005, Revised December 5, 2005, Revised January 12, 2005 This article is on the why, which, and how of shopping for a mortgage on-line: why seek a mortgage this way, which sites are the best, and how do you shop effectively?  Why Shop For a ... more...

mortgage points loans property construction find house realtor related definitions

Back End Points vs. Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker. ... more...

Secondary Mortgage Market
Secondary Mortgage Market The place where primary mortgage lenders sell the mortgages to investors like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in order to obtain more funds for originating more new loans. Secondary mortgage market provides liquidity for the lenders. Government-sponsored ... more...

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Financing Houses
What Real Estate Lenders Look ForLenders control many programs -- some make use of over 200! Generally, lenders look for the following typical standards, with many exceptions:1. Absolutely no late mortgage payments 2. Credit score above 580 3. If bankruptcy, no charge-offs or collection accounts ... more...

List Your Property Correctly & Make More Money!
Selling Real Estate is an ART - not mathematical rocket science. There are no rules, no absolutes, no equations to determine an exact price in most cases, and no way to determine the time needed to sell the property, or where to find the buyer.There are however lots of tips and techniques that can ... more...

Home Construction Loans
You can maximize your savings by shopping for a lender that can provide you with a combination loan. The combination loan starts as a construction loan. During this phase, your lender cuts checks to your builder and their subcontractors as they successfully reach significant steps in the building ... more...

Can Pain Be A Motivator?
Carol was a new client. She had been looking for a job for several weeks and wasnt having much success. As with most of my clients I asked her to envision herself working in the job she really wanted. As we talked she was really excited about the possibilities. I really caught her short though ... more...

Choosing Your REALTOR
With so many realtors competing for your business, how do you know which one to choose? Here are a few things to consider when choosing a realtor.The most important decision you will make in the sale of your home is the Realtor you choose.Some points to consider:Find someone you feel comfortable ... more...

How To Get Rid Of Debt Problems Step 2 -- How To Prepare A Financial Statement
Here is how to prepare a financial statement, for the purpose of negotiating reduced payments with your creditors.Secured/Unsecured debts. Before we get into the substance of this, let's ensure we are clear about the significance of secured debts.If the debt is secured, there is a risk that the ... more...

Part 1: FAQs From Media Interviews With Real Estate Author
Do you feel there is going to be a real estate bubble?Nash: No. Are some coastal and resort markets over-heated, yes. I dont feel that markets will collapse. But investors and property owners should be ready for longer market times, diminishing over-full-price and multiple offers in over-heated ... more...

Buying a Home with Zero Down Payment in Irvine, CA
Years ago, the only person that could buy a home in Irvine with zero down payment using a new purchase money loan were Veterans of War (called a VA loan). In the past several years, there has been an explosion of new loan programs designed to fit most any buyers circumstances. Today, most anyone ... more...

Pareto Chart You Say?
One of your department heads looks at you and asks Ishiwhat? You know, you reply, a fishbone diagram. Still blank stares. Cause and effect? you say as you scribble out a trout carcass on your white board. Still nothing. Youre starting to think the elevator doesnt go all the way to the top. Youve ... more...

Cheap To Keep
You've heard it all before when it comes to stats about customer retention. Acquiring a customer costs five to 10 times more than retaining one. Repeat customers spend, on average, 67 percent more. After 10 purchases a customer has referred as many as seven other people.So, if your focus is on ... more...

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