Simplicity as a Life-style
There is a relatively new phenomenon in North America called voluntary simplicity. The term voluntary simplicity is used to describe a process whereby people opt out of the harried life of modern day living, and chose to live a life of frugality. Frugality in this sense doesnt mean poverty rather ...
Four Pillars of Creating Wealth
Some people in this world are thinking that their poor financial condition today is their destiny. They keep telling themselves that theyll never get rich in this lifetime. Are you one of those people? If you are, its a good thing that you find this article, because I want to personally give you ...
How to Choose Your Real Estate Lender
Because you need quick action when applying for a real estate purchase loan, find a lender you can access easily. A lenders quick response signifies good service to follow.Once you know your middle credit score, look for a lender appropriate to your specific needs. When ready to make offers to ...
Frugal Living
The opportunities for spending money nowadays are unlimited. Too many people find themselves too strapped to pay their bills on time and complain when their bi-weekly salary is paid a couple of days late. Living on the edge is frustrating, stressful and completely unnecessary. No matter how ...
New Credit Advice: Don't Pay off Those Credit Cards!
Credit needed for real estate mortgage financing differs from credit needed for consumer loans. If you need help getting a home mortgage, these credit tips will help you.Contrary to what many credit advisors say, paying off credit cards each month is not always the best action to take. When making ...
Buying a Motohome How to Avoid the Pitfalls to Optimise Your Value for Money
Buying a motorhome can have its on pitfalls. Overpricing, defective vehicles, disputed property and weak crafts are among the dangers of purchase.As the first step in your purchase, you will have to determine your needs as that will determine the kind of motorhome you should go for. Motorhomes ...
Life in Las Vegas
"I'll go and get some munchies for us, Bob. Don't give that beautiful black-haired lady my seat. Eh?""You wish!" Sean went to get some food while Bob ordered some white wine for them both."You're becoming a regular aren't you?" The sprightly barmaid commented as she brought him their drinks and ...
How Does Credit History Affect Car Insurance Rates?
Many personal car insurance companies consider your credit information when determining how much premium to charge for your insurance. So if you are calling around for new car insurance, keep in mind that many insurers are looking at your credit history to determine your car insurance rates. I hope ...
Secrets of Making Money from Real Estate - Part 4
Analyzing and finding the right property deals:Firstly read my other article on how to Buy the property at a discount, this will cover the basics on how to buy property at a lower than market value price. This is very important because It can completely change the aspects and financing the deal. It ...
Negotiating A Short Sale The High Road to Huge Foreclosure Profits
Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth!Most investors will walk away from these deals because ...
Real Estate Wealth Protection Through Short Sales
Is a sharp correction in store for the real estate market?Fannie Mae, the largest buyer of mortgages in the US, is
worried. They recently warned that the probability of a
housing bust has risen sharply in certain parts of the
country.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financed about 43% of new home ...
Debt Management Plans Suggesting Ways to Survive the Quagmire of Debts
Before delving on what a debt management plan can do for you as an individual or as a business, it will be good to decide its scope. It is a misconception among many people that debt management plans can only be used for eliminating the existing mound of debts. Nevertheless, debt management plans ...
First Time Home Buyer Loans Made Easy
When it comes to firsttime home buyer loans, a little research can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage.A wise consumer selects a mortgage lender prior to shopping for a home. You see, firsttime home buyer loans can end up costing you a lot more than you bargained for if you ...