Things To Consider Before Buying a Condo Hotel or Resort Residence
Resort home ownership, such as condo hotels and fractional shares is different from typical home ownership. So it is important to ask certain questions before signing the purchase agreement on a resort property. The following list of questions typically applies to most types of resort property ...
Direct Marketing: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Unstoppable
Every business needs customers, but more importantly every business needs to maintain those customers while constantly retaining new ones. The only successful way of doing this is by learning everything about your customers, including who they are? What do they have in common? Do they share a hobby ...
Arizona Real Estate: The Valley of Dreams
A Strong Economy Makes Arizona a Popular Destination SpotPhoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, and with good reason. Phoenix and the valley area has long been a popular destination for many visitors. Whether drawn to the area to take advantage of the soothing climate or ...
How to Save Money
Do you want to know how to save money? There are many ways to save money, some are quite obvious and some not so. One of the most successful ways to save money is to shop around. It cost nothing but time and yet people often ignore this option. They prefer to take the easy option and end up ...
Buying A Home In Camden Maine
The process of buying a home is not something to be taken lightly. A home is a large investment, and its your responsibility to select a home that fits your needs and find a manageable mortgage for itno mean feat. Well help break the process down into the most important pieces.Article:In the ...
Are You Overpaying Taxes If You Use Tax Preparation Software?
For many business owners the answer to this quandary is tax preparation software. Fill out a fairly simple interview, click print and out comes a completed return that will pass muster with the IRS. The answer to all your problemsor is it?Can One Software Program Cover All Businesses?Take a moment ...
Think INSIDE the Square to Keep Those Love Fires Burning
I was sitting in my sanctuary in my back yard contemplating the worlds mysteries and minding my own business when a fellow neighbor walked up to me and started a conversation. As he looked a little distressed, I invited him into my little spiritual oasis and offered him a cup of coffee. He ...
Conventional Financing For Wholesale Deals
This info is very important for both new and experienced wholesalers, AND buyers of fixer-uppers, to carefully read and understand. We learned it painfully, hopefully you won't have to :-)Often times we are asked by investors about using conventional financing for their investor deals. In other ...
How to Deal With A Death in the Family and Still Run Your Small Business
As a small business owner we have to deal with tax law changes, local ordinances, environmental laws, Workers Compensation, etc. Just when we thought we had everything under control, something terrible happenes. A death in the family. Oh my God you say? What do I do now? Well since I have been ...
Protecting Your Expatriate Family
If you and your family relocate overseas, one of your first priorities from a financial planning point of view may very well be establishing health care.Costs and services abroad can differ greatly to what you are accustomed to back home. Therefore its essential to make sure that you are fully ...
Marketing Success - Marketing Strategy - Brand Identity Guru
Marketing message x Credibility x Visibility = Marketing SuccessThese three variables, when working positively together, create success. Period. But determining how to get those variables to work together is the trick.Your marketing message isnt a static entity. It can have a high or low impact on ...
Your Biggest Problem in Business? Work Ethic
US Work Ethic Issues
and Lack of serviceWell many of us are getting upset with the lack of service these days and no one cares and somehow we have all lowered our standards to the fact that getting good service is not to be expected, but rather a nice surprise if it ever does occur. Many great ...
Should You Buy Old or New?
You are looking to buy a home. You dont know whether a new home or an older home is good for you. Which is best for you?Whether a brand new home or one that has been broken in is best for you depends on your preferences. A homebuilder will tell you that you need a new home. Real estate agents will ...
Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch
Shakespeare once said about human nature with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue ...
Why Your Credit Score is Important
Your credit score can either haunt you or reward you. It all depends on how you handle your credit and payment activities. Your credit score determines what interest rates you will pay and if you are even approved for a loan or a credit card at all. In addition, your credit score can play a factor ...