Fixed Rate or Adjustable?
Fixed rate or adjustable rate mortgages are two choices of mortgage loans that most lenders will offer you. Your financial situation, how long you plan to live in the home, the current interest rates, and what risks you are willing to take is the best way to decide which loan makes the most sense ...
Kings Bay Georgia Real Estate - Be Picky When You Choose your Realtor!
I have been a mortgage lender for many years and have seen a few transactions go sour. When problems arise after a contract is signed, it can be stressful for everyone involved. Here are some things that you will want to know before you choose your real estate agent.The Kings Bay Georgia real ...
Keep Sales Simple
For those of us working in the exciting world of sales, we are all too familiar with the pressures of meeting our daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals. This pressure can sometimes cause us to loose focus on the simple things that made us successful to begin with.When we make a sales ...
Is Consolidating Loans Right For You?
Consolidating loans makes sense but only if you can pay a lower interest rate than what you're paying now. This is especially true if you are consolidating mortgage loans. Be aware of your total overall costs to avoid getting deeper in debt than when you started.Have you ever asked yourself why ...
Interest Only Loan, How Does It Work
Interest only loan is the one that gives you the possibility of paying only interest as your monthly payment. In that way you will pay a very reduced amount of money as your monthly payment; compared to the amount of money you would be paying if you add the principal to your monthly payments. ...
When it Comes To Refinancing Your Home, a Refi is a Refi, Right?
In this day or automation, bill paying online and Internet loan applications, one would think that conducting a refinance loan is the same, no matter what. However, there are three main types of refinances, so it is important to learn the difference if you are considering refinancing.Rate/Term- ...
Home Refinancing Scam Thieves Use Identity Theft to Steal Your Equity
Since the demise of the stock market in 2000, the real estate market has been booming. Investors who are justifiably cautious about investing in stocks have been investing in homes. This has driven the prices of homes in the United States to record levels. Long-time homeowners are discovering ...
If Real Estate Investment Is So Great, Why Doesn't Everyone Do It?
Oh, that's an easy one. I can answer that in one word. FEAR.Real estate investment is a great way to change just about everything in your life, but it's one of those things where doing it for the FIRST time is the toughest. In fact, the second is exponentially easier!It's fear folks, plain and ...
How to Figure Debt to Income Ratio
Ever wonder how to figure out you debt to income ratio? Lenders use your debt to income ratio to help them evaluate your creditworthiness and debt load.Mortgage lenders use your debt to income ratio to calculate what percentage of your income is available for your monthly mortgage payment after ...
How to Get the "Real" Low Home Loan Interest Rates Online
I've been involved with home loans and refinancing for several years now: As I use to work for a large mortgage firm and as a landlord of over 11 properties, and I've tried nearly all the major online loan companies like eloan, and others to compare rates (especially to refinance my income ...
Home Equity Loan Refinancing
If you have lived in your home for more than two years, it has probably appreciated which means that you have built up equity. What is home equity? Home equity is the difference between the value of your home and the amount of all that you owe on your home. If your home has an appraised value of ...
Home Equity Line of Credit Pro and Cons
Home equity line of credit pro and cons are important if you decide to tap your equity in your home. Whether you are choosing a home equity loan vs equity line of credit, each loan is considered a second loan and is secured by your home.Here are some home equity line of credit pro and cons to ...
How to Pick the Wrong Lender
One day, youre interested in getting a loan. Your plan is simple: Call a number of lenders and see who has the lowest rate. You call the first lender. He asks you when you plan on getting your loan. You tell him in a couple of months. He gives you a low rate quote. And, after a number of calls, you ...
How Much Home Can You Afford In Today's Market?
If you haven't figured your credit worthiness and borrowing power lately, you might be surprised at how much home you can afford to buy in today's market! Mortgage Lenders are very optimistic about the future of the real estate market and as a result they are willing to loan more on properties than ...