Common Credit Score Myths
A lot of credit score myths about fico score ratings get spread around and some of them are just outdated information. Sometimes even lenders can give you the wrong advice and it can get confusing. But the bottom line is bad information can cost you money no matter who you get it from.Fico score ...
One Stop Shop for Buy to Let
As the buy to let market continues to go from strength to strength, a unique selling opportunity has been created for landlords looking to dispose of both residential and commercial buy to let property with the ability for transactions to take place directly between landlords.Set up by experienced ...
Home Loans - Online Services And Resources To Help You
Interest rates on home loans are at the lowest theyve been in many years. Now is a great time to take advantage of home loan financial services and resources available online. With a little education online you can get some of the best loans available on the Internet. It is well worth the time and ...
Loan Officer Marketing: Content Strategies for Keeping in Touch
So youve just returned to your office from a successful meeting with a Realtor. At the end of it they expressed optimism in your services, and told you some famous last words, Ill be sure to send you my next deala week goes by, no dealtwo weeks go by, no deala month later, still no deal.To make ...
The Unethical SEO Myth
"The use of black hat SEO techniques are completely unethical." Really? I completely disagree.Is it unethical because these techniques are attempts to give a webmaster an advantage over their competition? If this is the case, stop participating in SEO forums, stop using WordTracker, stop studying ...
Fico Scoring Basics
FICO scoring originated from the Fair Isaac Company. The Fair Isaac Company invented the current credit scoring system that turns all of your credit information into a personal credit score. Today lenders still use this credit scoring system to determine credit risk.The term FICO scoring means, a ...
Over the Hill or Simply Overlooked? Benefits of Hiring Mature Workers
The U.S.' larget demographic, the "Baby Boomer" generation, is getting older. Today, many mature workers are thinking of retirement from the nine to five grind. Instead of living the good life at the beach or traveling the globe, a number prefer to continue working.The reasons for continuing to ...
Realities of Real Estate Investing
If you are anything like me, you are always looking for a good way to work for yourself and make tons of money. Is this not the dream of millions of Americans? Of course it is, and I am willing to bet that you have considered getting into the real estate market at some point. You probably figure, ...
Selling by Owner Tips
Do strangers scare or intimidate you? If you're planning to try to sell your home yourself, you'll have to get used to it. You'll also be opening yourself up to potentially dangerous situations and legal liabilities. That's why even many experienced real estate agents will hire another agent to ...
Credit Score: The Brightest Feather In Your Financial Cap
Credit scores are the most important aspect that determines your financial future. Carrying a good credit score is an asset and can pave your future towards greener pastures. On the other hand a negative marking on your credit report can be ruinous for your future dreams. However, "There Isnt Much ...
For Sale by Owner Tips
Do strangers scare or intimidate you? If you're planning to try to sell your home yourself, you'll have to get used to it. You'll also be opening yourself up to potentially dangerous situations and legal liabilities. That's why even many experienced real estate agents will hire another agent to ...
The Future Of Web Design Is Content Management!
Web development has greatly increased in popularity over the last 5 years. Many new design concepts, code standards, and technology advances have happened in a short amount of time. With that, so has the knowledge and demand for better, more independent and functional web design packages.More and ...