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Credit Reports and Credit Scores
November 24, 2004 What Is a Credit Report? A credit report is a report from a credit bureau containing detailed information bearing on credit-worthiness, including the individual's credit history. A typical credit report includes the following: Personal information. ... more...

HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

mortgage insurance bankruptcy credit report score home related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Credit Report
Credit Report A report documenting the credit history and current status of a borrower's credit standing, detailing a borrowers credit history including payment history on revolving accounts (eg. credit cards) and installment ... more...

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What Is Term Life Insurance?
There are two different types of life insurance, term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is the easier of the two plans. This plan supplies you with death protection for a pre-determined amount of time, anywhere from one to 30 years. If you happen to die while ... more...

Term Life Insurance, What Is It All About?
What is term life insurance? You have an interest in buying term life insurance, that is why you are reading this article, and you want to know how it really works. Right? Well, there are many types of term life insurance and I am going to give you a brief explanation as to how each one works ... more...

The Truth Behind Processing FHA Insurance Refunds
Unlike the flood of Work from Home opportunities such as envelope stuffing, filing medical forms, processing emails or MLM schemes that promise get rich over night, processing FHA mortgage insurance refunds is a real job as a work from home business. The power of the Internet in locating the ... more...

Top Ten Reasons People File for Bankruptcy
1. Eliminate the legal obligation to pay many of your debts.This process of wiping the slate clean is called a discharge of debts. The goal of a discharge is to reduce debt to give you a fresh start. Whether it is through straight bankruptcy (Chapter 7 Bankruptcy) or through reorganization (Chapter ... more...

Canadian Term Insurance Explained
Canadian term insurance may be a new idea for many people who think of whole life insurance as simply a policy you pay throughout your lifetime, but term insurance is actually a better option for most people for several reasons.Term life insurance is basically a life insurance policy that lasts for ... more...

Home Owner Insurance, What to Expect and What to Ask Your Agent
Your home is probably going to be your single most important purchase in your life, you spend months searching for the perfect place so it makes sense that you would be just has careful when it comes to your home owner insurance. But what is home owner insurance? As the name indicates, home owner ... more...

Everywhere You Go, Your Credit Report Will Follow
Ever write your name in freshly poured concrete? Years later you come back, and there it is etched for every one to read. Credit reports mark your financial history like initials cast in concrete. Credit reports are more fluid since information about you gets added through your entire life. ... more...

A Basic Guide To Home Contents Insurance
Basically, home contents insurance is insurance protection against the replacement cost that you would otherwise have to pay to replace the contents of your home in the event of then being lost, damaged or stolen. As is the case with home buildings insurance, the main factors contributing to ... more...

Bad Credit Debt
In todays world, there are a lot of things that its very difficult to live without. One of them, is credit. Can you imagine trying to save up for a car until you had enough cash to just pay for it outright? Do you think you would be able to pay for college tuition and study at the same time? Who ... more...

Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home
BuyersLooking for a home-Use Internet for overview of properties, communities, and schools. -Visit potential neighborhoods at different times of day. -Research price trends in communities and neighborhoods. -Consider resale prospects on home before you purchase.Get your new home inspected before ... more...

Will The Real Home Buying Guide... Please Stand Up?
Use Google right now and do a search on, "Home Buying Guide". Take a few minutes to click some of the links to see what's out there and then come right back.Now, try "Home Buyer Guide" and do the same thing.Overwhelming, isn't it?And thats exactly the problem facing todays prospective homebuyers; ... more...

My Credit Affects My Car Insurance Rate?
You probably know that lenders use information in your credit report to determine if they'll give you credit. But did you know that in some states, insurance companies also consider your credit history? Good or bad, your credit history may affect your ability to purchase homeowners or auto ... more...

Why You Need House Insurance
House insurance is among the most important insurances you can get and in the case of buildings insurance, most mortgage lenders make it compulsory. This is because your home is your biggest asset and if you lose it because of fire, flood or another disaster and you have a mortgage outstanding on ... more...

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