Are You Having Difficulty Meeting Your Financial Obligations?
Many individuals are experiencing difficulties meeting their financial obligations from month to month and the monthly payments are overwhelming and creating unnecessary stress and frustration. However, it is imperative that you find a way to meet your monthly obligations in order to maintain a ...
Home Equity Loans: Abusive Lending and How to Avoid It
Home Equity loans were initially designed to allow individuals who had not yet paid off the full amount of their home, the ability to borrow against what portion of the home they had paid for. So for example, a couple who had been making monthly payments for many years on their 30 year lease, ...
Blame It On the Rain: Protect Your Home With Hurricane, Wind, and Flood Insurance
Choosing the best insurance policies for your home can cause a lot of
confusion. Many homebuyers are not fully educated about the coverage
needed to protect a home or real estate investment. Many difficult
situations can be caused by natural disasters. If you purchase real
estate in or ...
For Sale By Owner - Why Use a Realtor Anyway?
For Sale By Owner is just as it sounds, a homeowner trying to sell their home without the assistance of a REALTOR. Can you do this, sure! Do they actually get their house sold, sure! Is it typical? No. About 80% of FSBOs end up listing their homes with a Professional REALTOR anyway. Heres why:
1. ...
Home Buyer's Hidden Costs
Home buyer's who purchase a home without a real estate agent (or sometimes purchase through an inexperienced agent) can find out too late they don't have enough money to close and move.Top 10 Costs Home Buyers Miss:1.) Property Taxes and AssessmentsHome buyers often need to set up an escrow account ...
14 Common Credit Mistakes
Establishing credit and wisely managing your credit becomes easier when you know how. You'll feel empowered by taking knowledgeable steps towards good credit, and you'll be on your way to purchasing real estate and greater financial freedom.If you plan to finance real estate, either as a home buyer ...
No Money! Does It Really Matter? (Free E-Books)
You can use the sellers existing financing for part of the purchase price. Buying "subject to" you only have to fund the money for the sellers equity! You can get a cash buyer and do a simultaneous close or flip your deal to the buyer for a cash assignment fee. You can sell your contract to another ...
Remortgages Guide
Outlined below is a useful remortgages guide. Remortgaging has become increasingly popular due to the relatively simple and flexible process.A remortgage is exactly as the name suggests, taking out a new mortgage and repaying your existing one in order to realise equity and sometimes to reduce ...
Discover What You Really Want To Do
Are you doing what you really want to do or did you just fall or wander into the job you now have. As a friend of ours once said, I am one of twenty two doctors in our family. The only ones in our family who are not doctors are the dogs and cats. Did you decide what you wanted to do or are you one ...
Should You Use a Lease/Purchase (Rent to Own) Approach to Sell or Rent Your Home?
Have you ever dealt with bad renters? Late payments? Stains on the carpet? Calls late at night about a stopped toilet? Sometimes being a Landlord is not a fun game, especially when you have a nice home and bad tenants.Have you taken advantage of the recent low interest rates and refinanced your ...
If All Things Are Possible, Why Can't I Balance My Checkbook?
For me, the most terrible time of each month is the day our bank statement comes. We commonly call it BSS (Bank Statement Syndrome). I don't know why it is, but I have trouble getting the parsonage checkbook to balance with the monthly bank statement.That ominous document intimidates me every time ...