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Credit Reports and Credit Scores
November 24, 2004 What Is a Credit Report? A credit report is a report from a credit bureau containing detailed information bearing on credit-worthiness, including the individual's credit history. A typical credit report includes the following: Personal information. ... more...

Avoiding Mortgage Predators
August 20, 2001 ?I read a lot about predatory lending.  How do I avoid becoming a victim??    To educate myself on what makes a victim, I recently studied 51 case histories of households ... more...

mortgage debt sex bankruptcy loan credit score assets purchase related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

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The Sting of Infidelity Isn't that Bad! Right? Is it?
1. Sleepless nights are part of a victims' experience and they have countless reasons to toss and turn. They lie awake at night filled with anxiety fearing an STD (sexually transmitted disease). Until the doctors visits end and a clean bill of health (many years later) a victim lives in ... more...

Top Ten Reasons People File for Bankruptcy
1. Eliminate the legal obligation to pay many of your debts.This process of wiping the slate clean is called a discharge of debts. The goal of a discharge is to reduce debt to give you a fresh start. Whether it is through straight bankruptcy (Chapter 7 Bankruptcy) or through reorganization (Chapter ... more...

Personal Loans are Here to Fulfill Your Personal Desires
UK finance market at present is very vast offering infinite number of loan options. Borrowers take loan for different purpose. One of the loans that will help you fulfill your personal needs is the Personal Loan.A Personal Loan is a loan that is lent to an individual by financial institutions such ... more...

What Your Credit Score Means To You
Your credit score is a number contained within your credit report. The final judgment on your credit score depends on you amount of debt and your history in repaying loans. The amount of credit you have available to you will also be taken into consideration when your credit score is determined ... more...

What is a Federal Tax Lien?
A Federal Tax Lien (FTL) is a legal instrument that secures the claim of the United States in the right, title, and interest of a debtor taxpayer's assets. It is a public document and is recorded at the County Clerk's office or the Secretary of State, depending on local law. This is done to serve ... more...

Slowing Spending - The Key To Your Debt Plan's Success
Anyone who embarks on a debt reduction program should know the rules for success. There are two. You need to stop adding to your debt. You need to find extra money to pay it off quickly.You also need to know the deck is stacked against you. The sellers of goods and services have gobs of ... more...

Bad Credit Debt
In todays world, there are a lot of things that its very difficult to live without. One of them, is credit. Can you imagine trying to save up for a car until you had enough cash to just pay for it outright? Do you think you would be able to pay for college tuition and study at the same time? Who ... more...

My Credit Affects My Car Insurance Rate?
You probably know that lenders use information in your credit report to determine if they'll give you credit. But did you know that in some states, insurance companies also consider your credit history? Good or bad, your credit history may affect your ability to purchase homeowners or auto ... more...

Applying for a Home Loan
Applying for a home loan may not be the most exciting way to spend your time, but if you are like many potential homeowners, it is probably a necessary evil. If you have some knowledge of the process ahead of time, however, it will go much more smoothly.Home loan applications tend to be very long, ... more...

Credit Report Watch Out for Parking Tickets
The economic downturn of the last five years has affected millions of Americans, but it has also affected the budgets of states, cities and counties. With limited tax dollars with which to work, various government entities have had to try to stretch their budgets to allow them to continue to ... more...

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