Make Sure Your Credit Report Works For You
You just filled out a mountain of loan application forms. Now, you wait for a call from the loan officer. You feel confident; loan applications have never been a problem for you. The phone rings and your loan officer says, there's a problem with your credit report. Your frustration increases ...
Selling of Real Estate by Non-Residents of Canada
As I deal routinely with non-resident investors wanting to sell Canadian real estate assets, I would like to shed some light on this otherwise somewhat arcane subject. DISCLAIMER: please note that the following essay is presented solely for general information purposes, it is not intended to be ...
Life Insurance Information
Life insurance is a personal insurance plan designed to pay out a sum of money on the death of the policyholder. Life Insurance is an insurance that is taken out against a persons life. It will pay out either a lump sum or monthly contributions to the trustee or next of kin in the event of the ...
The Cost Of Being Sick And One Possible Alternative: Glyconutrition
A lot of people Ive talked with about health supplements usually are coming from about the same place - you know: been there, done that. People are tired of hearing about the latest and greatest and for the most part - figure that all supplements are pretty much the same.People also agree that ...
Bad Credit Home Purchase Loans - How To Purchase a Home with Bad Credit
Owning your home can be a reality for you even if you have bad credit. By educating yourself on the process, analyzing your credit, and shopping for lenders, you can find reasonable rates. Buying a home can also help you begin to build a solid financial future.Learning The Loan ProcessOne of the ...
Budgeting is Essential for a Single Mother's Success
Today many women are struggling with debt and its even harder if you are a single mother trying to support your family. According to the Census Bureau single mothers far outweigh single fathers. In 2003 there was a total of 2,260,000 one parent family groups maintained by the father and 10,142,000 ...
Why Choose a Remortgage?
A remortgage can be used for the purpose of gaining lower interest rates on your mortgage or raising finance through releasing equity.The term Remortgage is used to explain the process of moving your mortgage to a new lender. A different lender may offer a significantly better deal than your ...
Crossing the Gap from this Home to the Next: Bridge Loan
So youre thinking of getting into a bigger house. You call up the real estate agent and make an appointment to go see what the market has to offer. Then you find it, the perfect move-up home. Its everything youve ever wanted in a home unless your married, in which case its everything your wife ...
An Investor's 1st and Most Important Lesson
Are you ready for the lesson that will put you ahead of 99%
of all real estate investors?Here it is in a nutshell USE AS LITTLE CASH AS POSSIBLE!The days of mortgage burning parties are long over. But you will
still meet people who believe that it is good idea to pay off the mortgage on a ...
Equity Raising Strategies, Myths, and Cold, Hard Facts
Start-ups and early stage companies are generally not attractive to institutional investors. Even in today's favorable climate, start-ups are basically just too risky for these sources of capital. The primary exception is where it is a proven entrepreneur starting another venture.For start-ups, the ...
Business Growth Through Leverage
Lets begin by talking about leverage. What do I mean by leverage?In it's most basic application a lever allows you to lift or move a heavy object with a lesser amount of energy. For instance placing a long stick under a rock in order to move it.But how does leverage apply to business? Can you ...
Adverse Credit Mortgages - Home Loans For People With Poor Credit
Mortgage lenders offer many financing options for people with adverse credit. For those who dont qualify for an A loan, you can use a B, C, or D loan to finance the purchase of your home.These home loans offer short-term financing until your credit score improves and you can qualify for an A loan ...