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HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

Tutorial on Selecting Mortgage Features
Planning to shop for a mortgage on-line? You need to answer the following questions first, so you know exactly what you are shopping for.      1. What Type of Mortgage Should I Select? 2. Which Mortgage Options Should I Select? 3. How Long a Term Should I Take? 4. ... more...

mortgage best rate insurance foreclosure bad credit loans loan policy related definitions

Adjustable Rate Mortgage, ARM
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Also known as a variable rate mortgage. The interest rate on these mortgages changes periodically. Variable or adjustable loans are loans whose interest rate fluctuates over the period of the ... more...

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

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Life Insurance Basics
One of the most important things you can do as parents is to ensure the financial welfare of your children in the event of your death. Life insurance is the best way to be rest assured that your children will be taken care of if you die. Although we never like to think of that kind of thing ... more...

Why Buy Life Insurance?
Love. Yes, thats right. Love for your spouse, children, family, or even your school. This insurance provides financial protection for your family and friends when you die. There are basically two types of life insurance Term and Permanent.Term life insurance provides insurance for a specific ... more...

Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure
Foreclosure can be a devastating change in your life. If you miss your mortgage payments, you could be in danger of foreclosure: you'll have to move out of the home you have worked so hard to own.Here are some ways that you can avoid foreclosure.* Set up your mortgage payment on direct deposit from ... more...

Bad Credit Debt Consolidation when Debt Joins Hands with Bad Credit
How does your month starts paying interest rate on your car, credit cards, grocery bills, medical bills and what not. It is a taxing process and chances are you cant even make the complete payments. Debt consolidation offers the best solution available for this predicament. Debt consolidation is ... more...

A Beginner's Look at Secured Homeowner Loans
Secured homeowner loans come in a variety of different types and amounts, and are intended for a wide variety of uses.These loans can be used for the same purposes as most personal loans they can allow you to purchase a new car or other vehicle, pay for education expenses, make improvements or ... more...

How To Get A Credit Card No Matter How Bad Your Credit Rating
Your credit is bad. Perhaps you have a string of unpaid bills haunting your past. Maybe you declared bankruptcy within the past 10 years, or defaulted on a student loan.All of the above can block your access to obtaining a major credit card, such as VISA or Mastercard.But bad credit is not the ... more...

What is a Personal Secured Loan?
A personal secured loan is the generic term for a loan. In simple terms a personal secured loan gives security to the lender on the loan other than a simple promise to repay the loan.This type of loan is essentially an amount that is secured against property put up by you as collateral. Since this ... more...

Be Careful of Inquiries on Your Credit Report
Every time that someone looks at your credit report, the inquiry is noted. If you have lots of inquiries on your report, it may appear that you are shopping for several loans at once - or that you have been rejected by lenders. Both make you appear a poor credit risk and may affect your credit ... more...

How to Find a Direct Homeowner Loan
If you've been thinking about applying for a direct homeowner loan, you might want to take a little bit of time to make sure that you understand exactly how these loans work and to shop around for the best deal in a direct homeowner loan.What is a direct homeowner loan?So what is a direct homeowner ... more...

Finding the Best Home Improvement Loans
When the time comes to do work around the house, finding good deals on home improvement loans can be vitally important.Home improvement loans can be used to help you improve any part of your house or other real estate, providing you with the money to get the materials that you need and to hire the ... more...

20 Year Term Life Insurance
One of the most popular life insurance policies is the 20 year term life insurance policy. The purchaser of the policy usually pays a level premium for the first 10 years. In some cases the premiums remain level, and at the same rate, for the entire 20 year period, however most companies increase ... more...

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