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Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

Tutorial on Selecting Mortgage Features
Planning to shop for a mortgage on-line? You need to answer the following questions first, so you know exactly what you are shopping for.      1. What Type of Mortgage Should I Select? 2. Which Mortgage Options Should I Select? 3. How Long a Term Should I Take? 4. ... more...

mortgage afford lenders house interest loan related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

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A Personal Mortgage Experience
I dont know what the mortgage situation is around the world but here in England the mortgage industry is a constant point of debate. It used to be that everyone aspired to having a mortgage on a nice home you know the kind of house with enough rooms to cater for the average family with 2.4 ... more...

Mortgage-Refinance Loan Measurment 101 -- Evaluate Your Own Ability to Pay
We live in a society where people are losing their homes at an alarmingly high rate. There are several reasons for this, but one could certainly be avoided -- buying a house that creates a loan that is too large for you to handle. This article will examine how to decide your loan size -- whether ... more...

Option ARM Mortgage Loan - Is This Really for You?
What happened to the days of a 15 or 30 year fixed rate mortgage loan? Ultimately this is the safest and most popular mortgage loan product in our industry, but new mortgage products are hitting the market, and we in the mortgage business are using them to our advantage; ever heard the radio ... more...

What is a Self-Certification Mortgage?
A Self-Certification mortgage is a mortgage designed for people who are unable to provide proof of income. This type of mortgage was originally designed for the self employed who historically experienced difficulty obtaining a loan with 'high street' lenders due to not having audited accounts ... more...

Is Your Credit Ready to Take on a Mortgage?
To help determine whether youre ready to take on a mortgage or not take a look at your finances. Two things that you really want to take a look at are your credit score and current debts. These two factors greatly determine how much home you can afford.Credit Scores.What determines a good credit ... more...

Bad Credit Mortgage Lender - What to Look For
If you have less than perfect credit and are looking to get approved for a mortgage loan, be careful not to make some common, costly mistakes. When dealing with sub-prime mortgage lenders or bad credit mortgage lenders, many people are taken advantage of because of their eagerness to get approved ... more...

Utah Mortgage
If you live in Utah, undoubtedly you have heard of the bankruptcy problem pinching the whole state. For several years now, Utah has held the devious honor of ranking among the states with the highest annual bankruptcy filing rate. There is likely more than one explanation for such a phenomenon. At ... more...

4 Ways To A Low Mortgage Interest Rate
It is natural to want the lowest possible interest rate on your mortgage loan. A lower interest rate results in a lower monthly payment or allows you to afford more house for the same monthly payment. Here are four quick ways to get a lower interest rate on your next mortgage loan.1. Shorten The ... more...

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?
In the old days, when a mortgage was paid off, it was happily burned. Those days seem to be long gone. Very few people will stay in their home for the length of time required to pay of a 30-year mortgage. And even if you can pay it off early, it might not be best for you.There is a sense of ... more...

Mortgage Research Good News for House Buyers
Figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders show that in July gross lending in totalled 25.2 billion, with fixed rate deal mortgages are at their most popular for nearly six years.Nonetheless, "July's growth in lending to individuals slowed from the recent trend," said British Bankers Association ... more...

Option ARM The Worlds Most Dangerous Mortgage
Home prices have reached record levels, and in many parts of the country, homes have become nearly unaffordable. Real estate has replaced the tech stocks of the late 1990s as the hot investment, and everyone has sold their stocks and jumped into investment property. Real estate prices have ... more...

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