Benefits of a Bad Credit Personal Loan
Outlined here are some of the many benefits of a Bad Credit Personal Loan. Bad credit personal loans are increasingly popular these days. A poor credit history can happen to anybody at any time. Perhaps you need a bad credit loan because you missed some payments on a previous loan, got into ...
Owner Financing - Safety Tips
Why offer owner financing when you sell? A higher price, to start with. Add to that a good return on your money, a faster sale, and an easier sale of a "problem property." Good reasons, but how do you do it safely?1. Ask for a large downpayment. This is the most obvious way to be safe, but not ...
Starting Your Home Based Business On A Shoestring Budget
Whether seeking a supplemental income or a full-time income, many folks have undertaken the task to discover a viable home based business solution to meet their personal needs.For most folks who contemplate a home business, a low-cost or no-cost solution is not only nice, but also very necessary ...
Seller Financing - Six Safety Tips
Why offer seller financing when you sell? A higher price, a good return on your money, a faster sale and to sell a property that is otherwise difficult to sell. Some good reasons, but how do you do it safely?1. Get a large downpayment. The most obvious way to be safe, and not always possible.2. Get ...
Transform Your Image And Accelerate Your Success
Being a lifelong student, I am regularly attending seminars etc. to become the best I can be in all areas of my life.In the past year I have undertaken an Image and Brand Management Program with Image Group International and the knowledge I have gained and applied has affected so many areas of my ...
Is Reciprocal Link Exchange Dead?
The sun seems to be setting on the world of reciprocal link exchange. Sites that major on that may have to switch to a new paradigm, or go down like the titanic.The major search engines seem to frown at reciprocal link exchanges, and gradually it is becoming obvious that chasing reciprocal links ...
What is a Bad Credit Loan?
A Bad Credit loan is a personal loan for people with bad credit rating because a bad credit rating or credit history can make your life a misery. However created, your past record of County Court Judgements, mortgage or other loan arrears can live on to deny you access to finance that other people ...
Mortgage Glossary of Terms
A brief list of some of the most common Mortgage terms.Adverse Credit
The term used if the borrower has a poor credit history. This could include previous mortgage or loan arrears, bankruptcy or CCJ's. Other
terms used to describe an adverse credit mortgage include:
Bad credit mortgagePoor ...
Know Your Mortgage Fees, and You'll Never Pay Too Much for Your Loan
If you buy new windows, youll not only pay for the windows, you will also pay an installation fee. When you purchase a car, you pay tax, title, assumption fee, etc. Just about every major purchase comes with extra costs or fees, and home loans are no different. Most people think they dont have to ...
FHA Mortgage: What's the Best Way to Show an Underwriter that You're Ready to Buy a House?
Mortgage underwriters can be a suspicious bunch. If you have bruised or even bad credit, you have your work cut out for you. Many loan programs have guidelines that set a minimum FICO score of 620. FHA does not allow lenders to reject a loan based solely on FICO scores, but if yours is less than ...