Commercial Loans Cost Effective Way of Funding Business Needs
When your little idea, your dream starts taking a real shape you know it is time you garnered your finances to make it grow. At times your effort fall short and there you are filing for loans. Commercial loans can help business interests with uninterrupted capital supply.Commercial loans can be ...
Real Estate Margin Calls
Have you ever heard of a real estate margin
call? You know about stock market margin calls.
Thats when you have bought more stock than you
have money and borrowed from your broker to buy
extra shares. You bought $10,000 of stock, but
only have $5,000 in your account.It is great as long as the ...
Home or Investment Property Equity: Be Sure the Bank Gives You All that You Deserve
Home equity is your own personal money machine. If you want financial freedom, a home equity loan is probably the best way to achieve it. You can pay down credit cards, pay off cars, both at high interest rates, or you can actually use your home equity to invest and build the money into a fortune ...
Is It Time To Buy A House?
At some point as you're writing out your rent check, you get to the point where you look at the amount and think to yourself - at this rate, I could BUY a house. If you're fed up with paying rent every month that's high enough to finance a mortgage, it may be time to take a serious look at what it ...
Investment Real Estate Made Easy Make the Most from Each Investment Dollar
When it comes to buying investment real estate, there are many schools of thought on how to get the most out of your money. Some say lease optioning your houses is the best and safest way to go. In fact, I believe this to be true in many cases. For getting the most out of each investment dollar, ...
Rehab Your Way to Wealth: The Quick Way to Fixer-Upper Success
Completely rebuilding a house is not necessary to make money in investment real estate. Most times, if you have bought smart, you wont have to make a huge improvements on your investment property. Look for places that need only a small amount of work. For example, look for a property that ...
Are Option Pay ARM's Risky?
The general consensus about the riskiness of Option Pay mortgage loans is that they are high risk; high risk to both the borrower and the lender. To add even more risk to the loans, consumers and loan officers not only have to understand initial and lifetime caps, various indicies and margins, but ...
5 Simple Steps for Serious Saving and Financial Growth
1) Pay off your loan, credit and store card debt and resist the temptation to keep on spending money you dont yet have.Credit cards and store cards attract the highest rates of interest and are the most inefficient way to work your finances. The average annual percentage rate (APR) for credit ...
What Every Real Estate Investor Should Know About Investment Property Loans
Savvy real estate investors know that there is an art to getting an investment property loan. Educating yourself on the process will eliminate much of the headache and hassles that often plague real estate investors.If you go into
it expecting the same ease as financing a primary residence, you may ...
How to Own a Dream Home in Spain
Every year hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors travel to Spain to delight in the fantastic weather, stunning natural landscapes, excellent entertainment options and superb Mediterranean beaches. Many of these people dream of one day owning their own property in Spain, in fact Spain is now ...
How to Utilize Your Cash Investment in Your Home
Have you ever noticed how hard it can be to get to the equity in your home?Recently I had a client come to my office who had quite a bit of equity in their home. Im not talking about $50,000 or even $200k, Im talking about over $250k. I was asked to get 80% out of their home so that they could ...
Why Buy Property Overseas - A Case History
This is a true case history detailing the purchase of a holiday home overseas. By describing a real-life experience of buying a home in Spain we explain why people buy property overseas and show how to buy an overseas property with minimum outlay.Mr and Mrs Jones bought an apartment in Spain in ...
Where Real Estate Investing and Speculation Collide
Some uninformed folks would describe someone who rehabs distressed property as a "speculator" or even a "property speculator." Don't be fooled! There is a VAST CHASM of difference between rehabbing and property speculation.Let me explain. According to, the definition of speculation ...
Refinancing Your Home Equity Loan
Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow money using their home's equity as collateral. Homes are our biggest investment. Because of low interest rates, many homeowners are choosing to refinance their homes for lower rates. Lower rates equal a lower monthly payment. On the other hand, some ...
First Time Buyers Fail To Shop Around
Almost two thirds of first time buyers accept the first mortgage they are offered and fail to shop around, often missing out on better deals.Many first time buyers feel pressurised by their estate agents into quickly organising a mortgage for fear of losing out on a property or are attracted to a ...