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Fixing the Mortgage System So It Works For Borrowers
September 5, 2005 In some respects, the United States housing finance system is the best in the world. In other respects, it is unworthy of a banana republic. Our housing finance system has a primary market and a secondary market. The primary market is the market the borrower ... more...

HUD and Yield Spread Premiums
October 3, 2001 The recent decision of the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Culpepper vs Irwin has suddenly swung the spotlight on HUD policy regarding yield spread premiums (YSPs) retained by mortgage brokers.  To this date, HUD has been impotent in dealing ... more...

interest only mortgage wholesale home addition real estate related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Variable Rate Mortgage
Variable Rate Mortgage The variable rate mortgage, affectionately know as Adjusatuble rate mortgage or ARM is a mortgage with a rate that will adjust over time. You may be familiar with the term three year ARM, or five-year ARM. ... more...

More about interest only mortgage wholesale home addition real estate

Business or Hobby...What Would the IRS Call YOUR Business?
One thing we know for sure direct sellers start their businesses for a wide variety of reasons. Some want to build a dynasty, some want the tax benefits, some do it to buy and share a product they believe in, while others are simply looking for a way to have fun and make a little money on the side ... more...

Build Your Own Online Network
Many online business owners and marketers use a variety of tools to make their business successful. Good strategies include maintaining a web site, publishing an ezine, joining affiliate programs, advertising on other people's ezines, and much, much more. As any good Internet "guru" will tell you ... more...

Offset Mortgages: A Dream for Well Off Homeowners
Offset mortgages represent one of the biggest mortgage innovations seen in recent years. Six years ago there was hardly an offset mortgage to be seen. Now they and the current account mortgage, to which they are closely related, account for 10 out of every 100 of new lending.Whats more, one of the ... more...

Real Estate Bubble: Fact or Fiction?
The real estate market buzz across the country these days revolves around the anticipated and much feared bubble. The implication is that once burst, prices will spiral downward taking with them the major assets of those foolish enough to buy at a time when disaster looms large. It could happen ... more...

Secrets of the Option ARM Loan
How Does an Option ARM Loan Work?Option ARM (also called Pick A Payment or Pay Option ARM) loans work by providing the borrower with four payment options each month.Before we get into the payment options, let's review some of the important terms and concepts involved with this loan program.ARM - ... more...

Reducing Debt Through Lower Interest Loans
It happens to the majority of us, credit card debt accumulates and before we quite realize it, we are carrying a debt load that is far beyond our means. When this happens, we need to take immediate positive steps to knock down the debt as quickly as possible. One of the most efficient ways to do ... more...

New Year Resolutions to a Better Financial Future
There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our life style than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to set yearly goals and make resolutions. Each year, according to statistics, almost a third of us make some kinds of New Year Resolutions. ... more...

What Is A FHA Loan?
Most of us need to borrow some money at least at one point of time in our life. When we want to buy a car, to study at the College or University, when we want to buy a house or home, when we need money to start our own business - even when we use our credit cards.There are many types of loans and ... more...

Bad Credit Home Loans
There was a time that seems like decades ago when people with less than pristine credit were not able to get home loans. At that time people with bad credit were all but assured that their dreams of homeownership would never come to fruition. Luckily, for many people, those days are long gone ... more...

I Want to Buy a Home - Now What?
If you were to ask 100 women "What would you like to achieve financially?" Buying a home or apartment is usually one of the answers. Some women think that they can never own a home - which is not true! In fact, there are so many success stories of home buyers who never thought they would get there. ... more...

Debt Consolidation when You Find Yourself Overwhelmed with Bills, Bills, and More Bills
Many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with bills, bills, bills. Going to the mailbox only to find yet another late payment notice may have become a daily trauma. Your spending patterns and lack of budgeting has brought you to this point, and you know it is no ones fault but your own. Yet, what ... more...

I Can't Pay My Loan - Student Guidelines for Recovery
You graduated and now your student loan is due. The job hasnt come through yet, or you are just in over your head. What can you do about that student loan?Before you enter the default stage, relax and review your options. Realize that you arent alone. Unfortunately, since so many former ... more...

UK Personal Loan Advice
Borrowing money is a big decision and not something that can be rushed into without thinking it through. Thats why most financial experts recommend you take the time to go through the advice section and answer the following questions.How much do I need to borrow and how much can I afford?What is a ... more...

Don't Add A Scam To Your Credit Problems
There are a lot of companies that want to help you get out of your credit troubles. It can be so easy to put your faith in something, hopeful once again that you will get everything right side up again. But if you are in a bad debt situation, you should watch out for those looking to take advantage ... more...

A Simple Step by Step Aproach to Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars
If You want to be Financially Successful you need to Learn to FailAt a Robert Allen Seminar he said the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people (Financially Successful) is that Successful know how to fail. He went own to say that in order to be successful you need to learn to ... more...

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