Identity Theft - Is Your Business At Risk?
More and more business owners are purchasing document shredders then ever before.Why?... Identity theft for starters.A new law is going into effect in the summer of 2005 which states that if you employ anyone for any reason and have personal information on file regarding that individual for Social ...
Get a Loan With a Poor Credit Rating
How do you go about obtaining a loan if you have a poor credit score? Is it even possible if you have declared bankruptcy? Well, the short answer is yes. It may be difficult however, so you should be ready to put up with a few rejections. You should also be ready to accept higher interest rates and ...
Apartment Loan 101
So youre interested in going into business as a property manager? Have you given any thought yet to youll enter this potentially profitable market? Reality check-unless youve just inherited a large sum of money from a relative or are otherwise independently wealthy youre going to find someone to ...
Cash Now For Your Real Estate Contract
BACKGROUND AND FUNDAMENTALSThe private mortgage industry is a relatively young business with roots that can be traced directly to the emergence of seller-backed, or owner, financing. Prior to the very high interest rates of the late 70s and 80s, seller-backed financing was not a common financing ...
Buying Your First Home After Marriage
If you are doing some family planning and need to buy a house or just looking for something new, buying your first home can be exciting but there is a lot to know. Buying a home will depend on real estate laws and customs where you are located but there are basic steps that every first homebuyer ...
Credit Card Debt Consolidation: Top 3 Factors to Consider
If youve got a number of credit cards and insurmountable credit card debt, then perhaps its time to consider a debt consolidation loan. A consolidation loan is a loan that you can use to pay off all your debts, meaning that you can pay them off for less money without having to worry about lots of ...
How To Get A Credit Card No Matter How Bad Your Credit Rating
Your credit is bad. Perhaps you have a string of unpaid bills haunting your past. Maybe you declared bankruptcy within the past 10 years, or defaulted on a student loan.All of the above can block your access to obtaining a major credit card, such as VISA or Mastercard.But bad credit is not the ...
Be Careful of Inquiries on Your Credit Report
Every time that someone looks at your credit report, the inquiry is noted. If you have lots of inquiries on your report, it may appear that you are shopping for several loans at once - or that you have been rejected by lenders. Both make you appear a poor credit risk and may affect your credit ...
Finding the Best Home Improvement Loans
When the time comes to do work around the house, finding good deals on home improvement loans can be vitally important.Home improvement loans can be used to help you improve any part of your house or other real estate, providing you with the money to get the materials that you need and to hire the ...
Saving Dimes Can Go a Long Way
On the other hand, there are those people who are saving dimes and every other cent. Perhaps its because they hate the clutter of change but want to get rid of it instead of letting it accumulate elsewhere or still rely on the fact that change has value and should be used accordingly. For those ...
What's Missing on Most Home Buyer's Checklists?
In a search for "Home Buyer's Checklist," I found articles, spread sheets, and tips with differing advice. Some of this advice includes:1. Know your location2. Negotiate price3. Check for amenities and compare to other homes4. Inspect the house for defectsIt seems that the real estate websites want ...
Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Too many people opt for this decision before finding out what other alternatives are available to them. Filing for Bankruptcy should be your last resort if possible. We have listed some alternatives for you to consider ...