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Credit Reports and Credit Scores
November 24, 2004 What Is a Credit Report? A credit report is a report from a credit bureau containing detailed information bearing on credit-worthiness, including the individual's credit history. A typical credit report includes the following: Personal information. ... more...

HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

insurance finance companies assets settlement credit score related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Credit Report
Credit Report A report documenting the credit history and current status of a borrower's credit standing, detailing a borrowers credit history including payment history on revolving accounts (eg. credit cards) and installment ... more...

More about insurance finance companies assets settlement credit score

The World is Not Enough - Calling for a More Ethical Approach to Personal Finance
At a time when the entire worlds attention is focused on the problems of world debt, with the Live 8 concerts, the G8 summit in Scotland, the Make Poverty History Campaign (MPH) and the various anti-poverty marches, it seems that everyone wants the worlds governments to behave more ethically ... more...

Planning Starts with the Basics
When developing a plan for your finances, the toughest question often is: Where do I begin? Before investing in stocks and bonds or buying life insurance, before implementing any change or making any decisions, you first need to analyze and understand your entire financial picture. Two documents ... more...

Structured Settlements 101: How Structured Settlements Work
You have probably heard the term Structured Settlement on a television or print ad and wondered what it meant. After all, the term is not a part of our everyday lexicon.A structured settlement is a contract under which an insurance company undertakes to make periodic payments to an injured party as ... more...

Fico Scoring Basics
FICO scoring originated from the Fair Isaac Company. The Fair Isaac Company invented the current credit scoring system that turns all of your credit information into a personal credit score. Today lenders still use this credit scoring system to determine credit risk.The term FICO scoring means, a ... more...

How To Eliminate Credit Card Debt
There is almost nothing more troublesome than having too much debt to pay each month. Consumers incur debt for many different reasons. Sometimes illness, accidents, or just bad luck can make it seem impossible to get finances under control. Other times it is simply because we spend more money than ... more...

How To Get Out Of Credit Card Debt
If youre like the average person, let me warn you ahead of time about what Im going to reveal in the next few paragraphs. You may be angry after you finish reading this article about how youve been misled in the use of credit card debt.The American economy is designed to make you work yourself to ... more...

Eliminate Your Credit Card Debt, But How?
Can a debt consolidation loan eliminate your credit card debt? A consolidation loan might (or might not) be the key. There are several things you must consider when making the choice to consolidate debt using a debt consolidation loan.First, is a debt consolidation loan your best choice to ... more...

Figuring Out the Ever Nebulous Numbers Called "Credit Scores"
Credit Score FactorsThe information contained on our credit reports affect every aspect of our lives; including employment, insurance, and even interest rates (mortgage, credit cards, automobiles, etc.). There is specific information captured on our report which is used to form our credit score: ... more...

How To Buy Bargain Property At Auction
Do you want to invest in profitable property or simply buy a new home at a bargain price? If so, you want to consider property auctions.Properties sold at auction are often owned by mortgage lenders after repossessions, former council / housing association homes or have being empty for some time ... more...

Life Insurance and the Law - A Layman's Introduction
There are no laws in the UK that require a person to have life insurance. Its an entirely voluntary insurance. About 40% of the UK's working population are covered by life insurance either through their own policy or via an arrangement through their employer. So the simple things first. You have ... more...

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Will Mean Increased Costs of Building in the Future, but not Immediately
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita will mean increased costs of building in the future, but not immediatelyThe natural disasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have left upwards of 200,000 homes either destroyed or uninhabitable and needing rebuilding. This country has never seen a disaster on this scale ... more...

Fixing Health Care
The cost of health insurance continues to climb unabated. As the number of uninsured in America swells to 45 million people, many look to our political leaders for answers and relief.Presidential campaign rhetoric about how to control skyrocketing health care costs provides only short-term ... more...

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