The Many Benefits Of Lease Purchasing
Lease Purchasing affords wonderful benefits and opportunities to sellers, buyers, investors and those who would like to operate a home-based business. Lease Purchasing allows you to control property without ownership which has benefits for all.
What Is A Lease Purchase?
A Lease Purchase is a ...
Overwhelming Debt? Bankruptcy May Be Your Way Out, But Maybe Not
Things are bad, really bad. They have to be for you to be considering bankruptcy. Its true that bankruptcy can wipe away your debts, or most of them anyway. Taxes are exempt from bankruptcy protection. You can declare bankruptcy, but if a substantial portion of your outstanding debt is back taxes, ...
Buying or Renting: The Big Decision
For many people who are renting, the big decision they have to make is whether to make the jump to buying a home. A lot of people dont do it - theyre worried about pitfalls of home ownership or the hassle. But it can be well worth it to own your home in the long run.First, owning your own home ...
Options to Avoid in Credit Repair and Building
There are several options available that make people believe it is a solution for freeing themselves of debts.One solution you want to avoid is borrowing money from finance companies. The companies that advances for consolidating loans and requires that you put your home or car up for collateral ...
Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums
Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score.Additionally a great credit score will allow you to get the best interest rates on your credit cards, car loans and even your home mortgage. With interest rates as ...
What The Hell?
I'm sitting here watching teen girls and their problems on Oprah. This young lady just finished talking about her blackout binge drinking that gives her relief from her problems. Let me repeat that....relief from her problems. When asked what her problems were she explained the stress of being in ...
Work From Home as a Notary Signing Agent
If you want to work from home, you might follow the lead of thousands of other women across the country and become a mobile notary or a notary signing agent.What does that mean? In a nutshell, it means you become a notary public in your state and work on a contract, as needed basis for companies ...
New Housing Starts Do Not Guarantee Aftermarket Sales
We have been studying a trend of new home buyers in the US in light of this latest housing boom. And how we should adjust our strategies to deal with it. Last year we saw 5.56 million sales of existing homes and we all know that the number of brand new homes was substantial to say the least. This ...
Refinance Home Loan and Refinance Home Loans
Refinance home loan lenders are eager to lend money to any individual regardless of credit as long as the homeowner has a fair amount of equity in the home and the home itself is in a condition that can be resold. Refinance home loans are different than a second mortgage or line of credit in that ...
Credit Scoring: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
You've probably heard the term credit scoring. You may have some idea that your credit score can have an effect on your life. For example, you may understand that when you apply for a mortgage, the mortgage company will check out your credit score.But did you know that the interest rate you can get ...
The Foreclosure Process
The foreclosure process isnt as mysterious as it may seem. Due to federal and state laws, lenders must follow a specific process in order to foreclose on a property. Understanding the process will help you find investment opportunities.First, youll need to understand when a lender is allowed to ...
A New Way to Profit From Your Content-Based Website
Its a labor of love. Thats how Ive always described my content-based
website. Until the last year or so, what I meant is that my website paid me
in love more frequently than it paid in money. And if visitor compliments
and good karma paid the mortgage, that would have been fine.I knew I enjoyed ...
Take Careful Consideration Before Filing Bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy is not fun! It is a last resort if you are interested in keeping an active and acceptable credit report. Bankruptcy is the condition of bringing all your assets and deficiencies into an insolvent state. It is a state of financial loss, where your debts are canceled and it will ...
Credit Repair: Improve Your Credit Rating
In todays world of financial credit it is of the utmost importance that you have a sound credit rating, or score, as this is the benchmark that all financial institutions use to determine whether they will advance you credit.Now this form of credit may be for any number of purposes such as an ...
Freelance Feast or Famine?
Sometimes a freelance writing career can feel very much like "feast or famine".At the very beginning, it's almost all famine. You spend more time looking for freelance writing jobs than you spend actually writing, and, quite apart from being utterly demoralizing, when you have a mortgage to pay and ...