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Mortgage Professor about discount mortgage loan interest rates: 
When Is the Right Time For a Mortgage Lock?
April 23, 2001, Revised September 13, 2005 Should Borrowers Forecast Interest Rates? "I have been pre-approved for a loan on my new home but have yet to lock in the interest rate. When would be a good time ... more...

Are Discount Mortgage Brokers Upfront?
February 7, 2005 "In my market search I have come across Discount Brokers, who seem to uphold many of the same ethical standards as Upfront Mortgage Brokers (UMBs), but do not charge any fees for their service - they claim they are compensated by the lenders. Isn?t that even better ... more...

discount mortgage loan interest rates related definitions

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

More about discount mortgage loan interest rates

Best Buy to Let Mortgages
Are you looking for the best buy to let mortgages with the lowest rates payable? Need to calculate repayments on-line? Not sure how much you can borrow? These are all questions that you may well be asking yourself if you are looking for the best buy to let mortgages.Finding the right buy to let ... more...

Sell Real Estate Notes For Top Dollar
People sell real estate notes to raise cash quickly. A real estate note is just the loan document created when you financed the sale of your house or investment property. It could be a mortgage note, or a land-contract or contract-for-sale. The point is that the buyer is making payments to you, and ... more...

Top 10 Things to Consider on Home Loans
Here are our Top 10 most important things to consider when shopping for a Home Loan, Equity Line of Credit, or Refinance, courtesy of Loans-Directory.Org:Down-PaymentFixed Versus Adjustable RateAPRLoan TypesLoan Amount Qualification, IncomeLoan Amount Qualification, ExpensesEmployment and Credit ... more...

Home Improvement Loans Transforming Brick and Mortar
There is no courage in living an existence where you are constantly dissatisfied. Accepting your current resident as package you cant exchange is a myth. On the contrary it is true that not everyone has available money to finance home improvement. Home improvement loans enable every resident to own ... more...

Making it affordable: Nine tips for first time home buyers
It seems that everyone loves a good real estate story. The media is filled with reports about soaring property values and home owners of modest means becoming instant millionaires when they sell. As a result, many first time home buyers, afraid of missing out, will rush into buying decisions and ... more...

Say "Bah, Humbug!" To Holiday Debt: Avoid the "Holiday Hangover"
Ah, the holiday season! Turkey and dressing, pumpkin pie, office parties, jingle bells, and lots and lots of eggnog make the season a delight. But all fun and reindeer games aside, you have to be careful to make sure you don't wind up as poor as Tiny Tim! Americans can spend as much as $1,000 a ... more...

3 Strategies For Buying Property With No Money Down
Everyone has heard a story or read about someone who bought a property without paying a single dime as a down payment. But how does this work?There are several "classic" methods commonly used to purchase real estate with no money down. There are an infinite variety of situations in a real estate ... more...

Thought Fixed Rate Will Give You a Respite from the Perils of Variable Rates! Think Again
Slight increases in the interest rates raise your hackles. Tension grips your mind as to how you are going to make the extra payment. Preparations begin right then to provide for the repayment, though it requires a huge cut in the monthly expenses.Cautious is what describes your state. A fixed rate ... more...

Secured Homeowners Loans In Case You Thought a Home is Worth Few Dollars
Money is like music, if managed well, produces a good symphony. One wrong note one wrong decision it produces a jarring sound. A homeowner knows what an important investment home is. And he or she cant probably go wrong with this kind of investment. If you are intending to draw money on this ... more...

Should You Use a Lease/Purchase (Rent to Own) Approach to Sell or Rent Your Home?
Have you ever dealt with bad renters? Late payments? Stains on the carpet? Calls late at night about a stopped toilet? Sometimes being a Landlord is not a fun game, especially when you have a nice home and bad tenants.Have you taken advantage of the recent low interest rates and refinanced your ... more...

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30 Yr Fixed Rate-1.0%
15 Yr Fixed Rate-1.0%
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5/1 ARM-1.0%
3/1 ARM-1.0%
12 MTA-1.0%
COFI 11th District-1.0%
COFI Federal-1.0%
12 Month LIBOR (USD)-1.0%
1 Year CMT-1.0%
Market Indexes
WSJ Prime Rate-1.0%
FNMA 15y Fxd Yld-30d-1.0%
FNMA 30y Fxd Yld-30d-1.0%
Federal Funds-1.0%
30 Year Treasury-1.0%
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