Finding Structural Problems During Escrow Small Rural Home Example
In rural home purchases, the transaction is often subject to a satisfactory home inspection being done. Any imperfections are usually corrected during escrow. Now and then, however, a home inspection uncovers severe structural problems. What happens then?Structural Problems Small Rural HomeWith a ...
The Debt Free Lifestyle
Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is put it on our credit card.We have become an impatient society, we want it right now. We have lost the ethic of working for ...
10 Step Credit Repair Guide
The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating, but your efforts will be paid for in better financing. Your rights are protected by laws, but you need to take reasonable actions toward your goal of clearing credit discrepancies. You can get the credit reporting agencies to help you ...
New or Old House?
A lot of buyers think that a new house is the way to go but it's important to have some knowledge of quality and of the builder. New paint, carpet, doors, windows and cabinets are a quick and easy sell. But are the cabinets even level. I have seen cabinets in a $300,000 house that the dishes would ...
Follow Up: It Makes A Difference
A while back the headlight switch on our minivan quit working, so early one Saturday morning we took it to the neighborhood repair shop that has been mailing postcards to us the past three years. They said it would take 90 minutes to check things out.Three hours later we call: still havent gotten ...
An Introduction to UK Home Insurance
Unlike motor cover, home insurance is not a legal requirement in the UK. It is, however, a vital precaution against unforeseen bills caused by incidents such as natural disasters or break-ins. It is a false economy to avoid home insurance premiums in order to save cash in the short-term because in ...
Seven Key Tax Deductions for the Self Employed
As a sole proprietor, its wise to familiarize yourself with the some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004.Small-business consultants generally recommend that you hire an accountant to prepare your tax returns, payroll and financial statements. But you should also meet with your ...
What is Your Credit Report?
Credit Report how often has it impacted your life? Probably more often than you really like. If you have ever applied for a new home loan, car loan, or a credit card, your credit report has been pulled by the lender for review. Depending on your credit report and the credit score the information ...
Negotiating the Sale of Your Home
Negotiating a successful sale of your home requires an environment that sustains the buyer's interest and trust during the process. Many of our clients have been very experienced negotiators, and from them we have learned that the goal is to reach a "good agreement" - one in which the underlying ...
Credit Reports Errors Can Be Costly
In todays society, we cant function without credit. We need it to pay bills, borrow money, and to buy our homes and cars. A luxury of the current age is that credit is often granted easily and quickly, a result of years of automation and refining of record keeping. The glue that holds it all ...
Making Money In Real Estate - 10 Ways
Making money in real estate is an endless topic that includes all the various types of real estate investments. There is land, apartment buildings, homes, commercial buildings and more. Whatever the type however, you'll make your profits in some of the basic ways listed below. Use this list to get ...