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Managing Credit Cards to Raise Your Credit Score
18 July 2005 "Two years ago I had terrible credit, and you were kind enough to steer me to a credit card company that would give me a card. Now I have three cards, and my credit has improved some, but not enough?how do I manage my cards to earn the highest possible credit ... more...

HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

credit cards rate home loan bankruptcy card companies related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

More about credit cards rate home loan bankruptcy card companies

Consolidate Debt With A Home Equity Loan
If you are a home owner who is having to borrow from Peter to pay Paul due to a mounting debt load, a debt consolidation home equity loan may be the answer. A debt consolidation loan will allow you to consolidate your high interest credit card and consumer loans into one low rate, affordable ... more...

Debt Elimination & Debt Consolidation Can Work Together
Debt elimination has always been my goal. But on this day, when I received the bill for the sudden replacement of the clutch in my car, the VISA bill and word that my daughter needed orthodontics for her teeth, how was I ever going to realize my debt elimination goals?Does that sound familiar? Its ... more...

How to Stop Credit Card Company Abuse
Consumer complaints about credit card abuse continues to increase despite clearly defined federal regulations meant to stop abuse. By knowing and understanding your rights, you can stop abuse. Lets examine four common methods of credit card company abuse and what you can do to stop the victimizing ... more...

Bad Credit Debt Consolidation - What Are Your Options to Reduce Your Debt With Poor Credit?
To reduce your debt with a poor credit history, you have several options. While none will solve your credit problems overnight, they can help you get on better financial ground. A debt consolidation loan can help you reduce your monthly payments, while lowering interest rates. A debt consolidation ... more...

Learn The 15 Debt Elimination Steps You Must Take Immediately!
What Everybody Needs To Know...Learn The Truth About Debt Elimination!Here`s how we have been taught to charge, charge, charge and promised Easy monthly payments by advertisers who seduce us into debt. So its no accident that the credit, finance and loan companies end up with most of our money, ... more...

What is a Foreclosure?
A foreclosure is an action taken against a property owner by seizure of his/her real property. It can be for many reasons. The main cause is delinquent payments on a mortgage. The mortgage company or second and even third mortgage holders contact the owner, then the trustee (usually an attorney) to ... more...

How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score
Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others dont? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you dont know? The answer is your credit score.Your credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula to estimate how likely you are to pay your bills. ... more...

Making A Credit Card Work For You
A considerable obstacle standing between many Americans and the consumer goods they consider a necessary or desirable part of life is a ready way to pay for them. From a new piece of furniture to a car or even a house an age old problem stands in their way: MONEY or rather how to get hold of it.A ... more...

What is Your Credit Report?
Credit Report how often has it impacted your life? Probably more often than you really like. If you have ever applied for a new home loan, car loan, or a credit card, your credit report has been pulled by the lender for review. Depending on your credit report and the credit score the information ... more...

Payday Loan Companies - Are Their Rates Too High?
Payday loan companies do provide cash at higher rates than other types of credit programs. But these rates are for short periods, so fees are often small. While payday loans are not for every credit situation, they can help during a financial emergency.Are Rates Too High?Payday loan rates are ... more...

Business Credit Card Dirty Tricks
My system teaches people that the proper use of credit is the fastest way to speed up your profits in real estate investing.And you can use this system no matter what your own credit score is.What you must understand is how to use a newly created business name to go out and get business credit ... more...

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