Be Careful When Choosing A Credit Counselor
When you find yourself in a bad credit situation it is easy to find hope in credit counseling agencies. You feel safe when someone says that they are a non-profit organization. But often, those that are offering help are only helping themselves.Federal and state regulators are warning consumers ...
Budget Planning - It's Elementary My Dear Watson
Does it feel like you have to be Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery behind balancing your personal budget? Are you living a mysterious thriller where your realization of "financial independence and security" is a vicious repeating cycle of debt? Dont be afraid...Somehow youve ended up lost ...
The Hazards Of Your First Credit Card
You probably don't need me to tell you credit cards are easy to get a hold of; at least, that is so in the US and UK. How many weeks pass without a glossy brochure promoting a credit card popping through your letter box? And that's just your mail; the tv advertising budgets for credit card ...
Your Home Equity Can Work for You
"Use your home's equity to pay off your debt. It's easy and simple, no closing costs!" Every time I turn on the television, commercials bombard me telling me to take out a home equity line of credit. People are using their dream homes to pay for even bigger dreams, like a "debt free" lifestyle and ...
How to Save Money
Do you want to know how to save money? There are many ways to save money, some are quite obvious and some not so. One of the most successful ways to save money is to shop around. It cost nothing but time and yet people often ignore this option. They prefer to take the easy option and end up ...
The Advantages Of Department Store And Gas Station Credit Cards
If you are attempting to rebuild damaged credit, department and gas station credit cards may be a good solution. As opposed to bank credit cards, gas and department store cards are easier to be approved for and even if your credit is damaged, you may qualify. It is very important to use them ...
Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch
Shakespeare once said about human nature with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue ...
It's High Time for a Lower Credit Card Rate
How would you rate your credit card interest rate? Unfortunately, this is a simple question that few consumers take the time to ask, and it can be a costly oversight. High interest rates on your credit card balance can inflict some heavy damage on your wallet. A higher rate means higher finance ...
Credit Cards Truth
Credit cards have moved on to become almost a necessity today. Its rare to find people having no credit card. In fact most of the people have more than one credit card. However, possessing a credit card is not enough. You also need to understand how to use it properly. Sometimes credit cards can ...
Are You The Only One Using Your Name?
Identity theft has become an epidemic. Millions and millions of purses and wallets are stolen everyday and many of them are not just taken for the money inside. Thieves can use your credit cards to buy whatever they want to and whose credit does it ruin? Yours. Now, you are probably thinking about ...
The Worst Cash-Flow Strategy Ever!
Want to achieve a chronic state of personal economic turmoil? Here's how to do it!Live above your means.Perhaps you're already doing it but don't know just how serious your negative cash-flow is.
If this is your situation, don't despair. You are not alone! It's estimated that 40 percent
of ...
A Credit Card Glossary of Terms
The Credit card industry comes with a lot of jargon. You cant be expected to recognise all the technical phrases employed and some of them could be very important. Listed below you will find a quick description of the most common credit card industry related terms and phrases.Affinity card
A credit ...