How to Avoid Credit Card Late Fees
Everyone hates late fees and being late will cost you dearly these days. For some credit cards today, if you are late, you will have to shell out as much as $40 each time. This can put a nice sized hole in your pocket really quick.Below, I will provide you with some tips and strategies on how to ...
Credit Help: Buying Real Estate -- Not the Same as Buying Cars
Credit for Buying Real Estate is Different than Credit for Buying CarsForget what you've been told about credit.You may be shocked at some of these tips because this information runs contrary to what other so called experts tell you. Qualifying for a real estate purchase requires different credit ...
Real Estate Financing - Ten Ways
Do you remember when real estate financing meant you saved up enough to put 20% down on a house, and then you got a mortgage loan for the other 80%? Well, you can still do that, but there are many more options now. Here are ten of them.1. Gifting programs. In some parts of the country, builders ...
Debt Consolidation - Consolidate Your Loans Through A Home Equity Loan
If you are thinking about using the equity in your home to consolidate your loans and take control of your debt, then you have a few different options available, with considerable different and terms and conditions. Before committing to a certain path, do some research and educate yourself on the ...
Control Your Money or How To Keep More!
Create some good financial habits by taking a look at where you are now. Where do you want to be? Follow these tips to help you get there. Keep a money diary for a week. If you dont know where you spend your money, you cant start making changes. Carry a notebook with you and write down every ...
Honey I Cant Afford The Kids
Sex has a lot to answer for babies usually which then with time and much financial investment grow up to be beautiful mutations of their parents. Yet as the family absorbs more money as it grows, the need for financial planning and protection becomes more important. So, where do you start and ...
Credit Report Secrets: Do You Know What They Reveal?
If youve ever applied for a credit card or loan, youve probably had
your credit report reviewed by the lender. Your credit report has a huge impact on your financial future, so its well worth your time to be sure that you understand what your credit report says about you. Even if youre not ...
Home Equity Loans After Bankruptcy - How Long Should You Wait To Apply
As soon as your bankruptcy has been discharged, you can apply for a home equity loan. However, expect to pay high interest rates for financing with such a low credit score. Waiting longer and practicing good credit habits will qualify you for the A list and better rates.Two Years For The Best ...
Save Money on Furniture
Buying furniture can be very expensive. After all, next to your house and your car, furniture is one of the priciest things in your home. So any time you can save money, you should! Here are some tips to buying furniture inexpensively.Look in the Yellow Pages for a furniture wholesaler or a ...
How to Stop Credit Card Company Abuse
Consumer complaints about credit card abuse continues to increase despite clearly defined federal regulations meant to stop abuse. By knowing and understanding your rights, you can stop abuse. Lets examine four common methods of credit card company abuse and what you can do to stop the victimizing ...
Discover the Parts of a Credit Report and What They Mean
So you ordered a copy of your credit report to check for inaccuracies and get the most from your credit score. Now how do you read it? Your credit report is read and used by any number of people you deal with on a daily basis, from your landlord to your employer to a potential lender. Fortunately, ...
It Is In Your Best Interest To Do The Math On Your Credit Card Interest
If you begin foaming at the mouth once a month when you receive your credit card statement, join the millions of Americans that are foaming along with you. There is a growing outrage at the seemingly endless journey towards eliminating the balance on your credit card and that is due primarily to ...
Personal Budgeting Is A Tool For Financial Survival
Thousands of wage earners and single business owners live on borrowed money until a drastic change in earnings forces them into a downward spiral of mounting debts and missed payments that budgeting wisely could have prevented in the first place. Getting out of debt is not easy but it can be done ...
Learn The 15 Debt Elimination Steps You Must Take Immediately!
What Everybody Needs To Know...Learn The Truth About Debt Elimination!Here`s how we have been taught to charge, charge, charge and promised Easy monthly payments by advertisers who seduce us into debt. So its no accident that the credit, finance and loan companies end up with most of our money, ...
What To Pay When You Can't Pay Everything
With ever increasing consumer debt more of us are finding
ourselves robbing Peter to pay Paul each month.We go through our bills and find that the money just
won't stretch far enough to cover all of the bills
and expenses. It's hard to decide who you should pay
when you have one bill that is ...