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Managing Credit Cards to Raise Your Credit Score
18 July 2005 "Two years ago I had terrible credit, and you were kind enough to steer me to a credit card company that would give me a card. Now I have three cards, and my credit has improved some, but not enough?how do I manage my cards to earn the highest possible credit ... more...

Credit Reports and Credit Scores
November 24, 2004 What Is a Credit Report? A credit report is a report from a credit bureau containing detailed information bearing on credit-worthiness, including the individual's credit history. A typical credit report includes the following: Personal information. ... more...

credit card bills settlement creditors score loan related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

More about credit card bills settlement creditors score loan

5 Simple Ways To Lower Your Monthly Bills And Save Lots Of Money!
Here you're going to learn several ways to save money every month by lowering your monthly bills.There are lots of ways to save money, no matter how much of it you have - or don't have!Having struggled for many years paying my own bills, I learned many ways to save money. From simple things like ... more...

How Do You Spell Debt Relief?
Of all the problems possible in a marriage, finances cause the most marital discord. Many singles consider finances to be their most worrisome issue. Many times this is due to a heavy debt burden. Several options exist to help people get debt relief from their unsecured debts. (Unsecured debt is ... more...

Get Your Credit Score To Soar In The Twinkling of An Eye
Ever wonder how a creditor decides whether to grant you credit? For years, creditors have been using credit scoring systems to determine if you'd be a good risk for credit cards and auto loans. More recently, credit scoring has been used to help creditors evaluate your ability to repay home ... more...

Credit Scoring: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
You've probably heard the term credit scoring. You may have some idea that your credit score can have an effect on your life. For example, you may understand that when you apply for a mortgage, the mortgage company will check out your credit score.But did you know that the interest rate you can get ... more...

Why Your Credit Score Matters
Among the many innovations that emerged after World War II, credit use has become a major factor in our entire economic profile. As a result, your credit rating is the most important factor in determining your credit APR when you apply for any type of credit: credit cards, 0% APR transfer offers as ... more...

Assess Your Financial Attitude and Eliminate Your Debt Forever
Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out...I consider myself out of debt when:1.I don't owe anyone anything 2.I don't owe anyone, except for a mortgage and a car loan 3.I could pay off my credit card debts at any time ... more...

Take Careful Consideration Before Filing Bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy is not fun! It is a last resort if you are interested in keeping an active and acceptable credit report. Bankruptcy is the condition of bringing all your assets and deficiencies into an insolvent state. It is a state of financial loss, where your debts are canceled and it will ... more...

A No-Brainer Way Of Getting Credit And Credit Cards
What Is Your Credit Rating Now?If you have any charge accounts now, or have ever borrowed from the bank to buy a car, or if you ar paying on a mortgage, there is credit information on you.Up until a few years ago, you could only guess at what your credit rating was, because the credit bureaus who ... more...

Debt Consolidation Loan
Debt Consolidation of Different LoansDebt consolidation refers to the restructuring of a large number of unsecured debts into one low monthly payment, while eliminating interest and reducing the total amount owed to creditors. Debt consolidation has become popular with people as they cope with ... more...

5 Ways to Use Your Home Equity Line of Credit
Your home is a source of pride and accomplishment. Did you know that your home can also be an affordable source of income? As your home appreciates and you make your monthly mortgage payments you build whats called equity. You can access this equity at attractive interest rates using a home equity ... more...

My Own Online Business After A Divorce And Almost Bankruptcy
When I got divorced, I didn't know how I was going to be able to cope with my financial responsibilities which included mortgage, car, my kids's private school plus all the other expenses related to having a family without a husband's salary.I had recently lost my full-time job, had managed to find ... more...

How To Boost Your Credit Score
Years ago your credit score was a big secret, known only to a select few such as your mortgage and credit card companies. In 2000, Fair, Isaac Co., the major supplier of credit scoring software, announced they would begin sharing credit scores, also known as FICO scores, with consumers.What is a ... more...

Getting Married? What Are The Finance and Credit Implications?
There is a big difference between looking after your own finances while living alone, or with parents, and living with a partner. The transition can be very difficult, especially if both partners are strongly independent, or one partner is financially weak and the other strong. In fact, it is an ... more...

Bankruptcy - Your Fresh Start
Most American consumers are living too close to the edge. They are carrying too much credit card and mortgage debt and have too little in the way of savings. When the inevitable unexpected crisis comes along, they have little left to handle it and quickly slip into a critical financial state ... more...

Debt Consolidation - Just Lump It All Together!
In a world where people use credit as much as they drink water, it is no surprise that so many people need debt consolidation loans. Debt consolidation loans sound like a good way of getting your debt cleaned up, but are they? If you need help getting out of debt, consider all your options before ... more...

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