Grants, Loans, "Free" Credit Cards And Credit Repair: The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
You got creditors calling you everyday. You could lose the car or house. Your teetering on the edge financial ruin - then you see an ad that may safe your butt! Typical headlines say something like "Millionaire reveals Hidden Cash Sources, or help for people in debt up to their eyeballs!"HOW ...
Bad Credit Secured Personal Loans are Like Desserts-Last Course/Best Recourse for Impaired Credit
Plato said, We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. But real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.Are you afraid of bad credit? Then this article is perhaps for all of you who feel bad credit is an issue. Let this be your first step in bad credit therapy. You might ...
The Right Way To Credit Repair
If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that
your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is
greatly diminished.Once you have a bad credit rating, it might seem like
there's nothing that you can do about it but you don't
have to believe that. It's not as difficult as you ...
New Credit Scoring Model Could Help Millions
Mark and Beth, a young married couple in their twenties, established a goal to buy a home within the first three years of their marriage before starting a family. They budgeted and used their money wisely in order to save for the down payment. Whenever they purchased something they always paid ...
Credit Report And Correction Techniques
The three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are similar and feature a "Credit Score", which is created from credit report data submitted to them about you. Their report includes where you live, your bill-paying habits, and bankruptcy and arrest information. The information ...
Check Your Credit Before Shopping For That Home Loan
Review Your Credit Score.Nearly every bank, credit union, and mortgage lender relies on a three digit score provided by one of the three major credit bureaus to help them make lending decisions. A credit score can range from the perfect 850 all the way down to the abysmal 300. Scores under 720 may ...
Asset Searching for Recovery Actions - The Decision Maker's Tool Part 2
In Part One of this article we took a look at some minimum recommendations for asset searches as a recovery medium. This discussion is based on the assumption that an asset search has already been determined to be sanctionable by, for example, a loan in default, a judgment that has been rendered, a ...
10 Step Credit Repair Guide
The process of clearing credit can be laborious and frustrating, but your efforts will be paid for in better financing. Your rights are protected by laws, but you need to take reasonable actions toward your goal of clearing credit discrepancies. You can get the credit reporting agencies to help you ...
Repair Your Credit - The Right Way!
How to Repair a Bad Credit RatingThe Right Way!If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished.Once you have a bad credit rating, it might seem like there's nothing that you can do about it but you don't have ...
What Is A Good Credit Score How Can I Raise Mine?
What is a good credit score? When you request a free copy of your credit report, you will find a score assigned to your credit history. This score will determine whether or not creditors will grant you the loan or credit that you want because it gives them an idea of your risk to repay. Generally, ...
A Personal Loan And Your Rights
You can use a personal loan for many different things including, but not limited to, paying off bills, taking a vacation, buying a car and much more. Interest rates on a personal loan will vary, depending on your credit rating and the institution you are choosing to get your personal loan from. It ...
When You Are Eligible For A Free Credit Report
By Federal law, you are entitled to one free credit report per year directly from a credit-reporting agency only if you certify that:1. You are unemployed and seeking employment in the next 60 days.2. You are receiving public assistance.3. You believe there are inaccuracies in your credit report ...
What Is a FICO Score and How Do I Make It Work for Me?
Whether or not you receive a loan and what interest rate you get on your credit card may be determined by something called a FICO score. Named for Fair, Isaac & Co., a California-based company that developed the credit score, the FICO score is the most widely used scoring method to determine credit ...
What is Credit Repair and How Can It Help You?
There are millions of consumer credit reports on file from mainly three major reporting bureaus which include Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax. These credit gathering agencies store huge amounts of data about every person that takes out a loan, credit card, or any other line of credit. ...
Credit Help For Renters And Others On The Horizon
Sue is a homeowner and pays her mortgage and other bills on time like a good credit consumer. Sues on-time mortgage payments are reflected in her credit score profiled by the three major credit bureaus; Equifax, Experian and Trans Union.Joe on the other hand is a renter, who wants to buy his first ...