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What Are Mortgage Documentation Requirements?
5 October 2005 What Does Mortgage Documentation Consist Of? A lender?s "documentation requirements" stipulate a) the information about income, assets and employment that must be provided; b) whether and how this information will be used by the lender; and c) ... more...

Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

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Real Estate Investment Trust
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) A trust that uses investors money to purchase and manage real estate. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that invests its assets in real estate holdings. REIT investments may be excellent inflation hedge. REIT's ... more...

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

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Ghostwriting - Making Money by Being Invisible
My bookcase take up one whole wall in the family room, from floor to ceiling. It shows my eclectic reading tastes... fiction, non-fiction, Harry Potter next to murder mysteries and metaphysical literature. Also there are books I've written for the business sector - on negotiation, writing letters, ... more...

Investing in Residential Real Estate: Achieving Positive Cash Flow
When investing in real estate, it is highly desirable to achieve positive cash flow on a month-to-month basis. This is true even if you are counting on property value appreciation to supply the bulk of your desired return on investment. If you are losing money month-to-month, you may find all of ... more...

Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.?
Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.?Realtors represent a huge part of the national advertising expenditure each year in newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Every seller would like to see their home in a large, impressive ad. The seller wants the ... more...

Investing in Real Estate Profitably: Financing Options for Purchase of Rental Houses, Part 1.
This is not an article about tricks for 100% (no money down) financing. Even if you do take advantage of various no money down strategies from time to time, these strategies are not generally applicable when you begin investing systematically in multiple rental homes with the goal of making ... more...

Successful Real Estate Investing
One of the best roads to wealth in America has always been the acclimation and development of good, solid, income-producing real estate. Real estate ownership is one of the best ways to achieve financial independence for the average person. But in order to be a successful real estate investor, you ... more...

Don't Let High Ticket Prices Keep You From Seeing The "Big" Games In Person
Have you ever dreamed about seeing a big sports event like the Super Bowl, NCAA Final Four, or Daytona 500 in person? If so, what kept you from realizing your dream?Before you answer that one, let me demonstrate how the typical fan tries to buy tickets. I'll use the Indianapolis 500 as an ... more...

Boost Your Confidence, Credibility, and Career
There's one skill you can develop that will boost your confidence, credibility and career. It's public speaking. If the very thought makes you queasy, you're not alone. For some people, only death is more frightening. For others, death is preferable. Are you the latter? Avoiding the spotlight? ... more...

Cutting Edge Real Estate: Is There Anything New? Part 1
The world of real estate has pretty much stayed the same for decades. Its no different today than it was 50 years ago. The basic principles will never change. Is this true? Only part of it? Well, lets look at what is different in the real estate world. Also, lets see what is the same.Because of ... more...

Are You Missing Out On Sales Through Fear of Pain? Improve the Persuasive Power of Your Words!
Education plus Motivation is a powerful formula. But how do you ensure the motivation level in your prospective customers or yourself, for that matter, is really as high as it could be? Easy. You make sure to build pain into your motivation strategy. Our basic survival instincts mean that given a ... more...

Why Do They Buy?
A recent issue of Entrepreneur magazine included a marketing story with five important questions all business owners should be able to answer about themselves and their competition.Understanding these five critical areas will help you better develop and implement your marketing plan, and sell more ... more...

Eight Steps To A Great Marketing Plan
Step 1: Where Am I Now? Before you decide where you want your marketing plan to take you,you need to find out where you are now. How have you positioned your business in the market? How do your customers see you? You may want to ask some of them for feedback. Write four or five paragraphs that ... more...

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