Home Equity Loans Defined
Home equity loans are a popular way for homeowners to borrow money using the equity in their home as collateral. With this type of loan you can use the equity in your home to finance a multitude of things, from home improvements to large purchases and more. If youre considering a home equity loan ...
Financing Collectibles for Fun and Profit
With the advent of the internet and especially auction services like those provided by Yahoo and E-bay, serious collectors have much larger arenas in which to buy and sell their wares. This provides the opportunity for quick discovery of hard-to-find items that previously might have taken years to ...
Designer Handbags Reach Record High Average $2,000 Fall 2005
Shopping in Beverly Hills last week I strolled Wilshire
Boulevard popping in and out of fancy stores sizing up all the
new designer handbags. There are a number of new looks for
Fall 2005, and prices have a new look, too. Did you know
designer handbags have become the staple in most wardrobes? ...
A New Choice for Home Financing: Correspondent Lenders
When you begin your search for a new home loan, one of the first things to consider is where you'll get the money. Your basic choices will be mortgage brokers and banks.Your first instinct may be to go with your local bank, who you know from doing business with them for other things, such as your ...
Five Tips for Unlearning the Beliefs That Don't Serve You
If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. -Henry FordWhat does the following story have to do with successful entrepreneurship? Plenty.Once upon a time, in an enchanted land of bucolic green mountails, there was a blended household consisting of three children ...
Credit Report How Your Credit Score is Determined
Most consumers are aware that they have something known as a credit report that is used to determine whether or not they would qualify for a loan. Fewer are familiar with the FICO score, a creation of the Fair, Isaac, and Co. which distills their entire credit report down to a three-digit numeral. ...
Common Credit Score Myths
A lot of credit score myths about fico score ratings get spread around and some of them are just outdated information. Sometimes even lenders can give you the wrong advice and it can get confusing. But the bottom line is bad information can cost you money no matter who you get it from.Fico score ...
The Truth About Debt Consolidation Loans (Avoiding Potential Pitfalls)
Online Debt Consolidation Loans Companies.You've probably heard the advertisements on the radio or seen them on the television or in the newspaper:
Be Debt Free in just Days.Easy Debt Consolidation Loans.Erase your Debt Now!
Whether known as "Online Debt Consolidation Loans Companies" or "Online ...
Building Sound Relationships
Although most of us dont realize it, we are in the construction business. Much of the time, we are building bridges. Sometimes we spend a great deal of time constructing elaborate bridges that are meant to stand forever. Sometimes we build less stable bridges that become cracked and need new ...
Using Transformation Psychology to Sell Investment Properties
Satisfying and lucrative real estate investment depends upon your correct assessment of profit potential, of course, but your ultimate success depends on your ability to transform a doghouse into a dollhouse. The renovation process involves physical work and choosing the best supplies, in order to ...
Home Loans - Online Services And Resources To Help You
Interest rates on home loans are at the lowest theyve been in many years. Now is a great time to take advantage of home loan financial services and resources available online. With a little education online you can get some of the best loans available on the Internet. It is well worth the time and ...
Fico Scoring Basics
FICO scoring originated from the Fair Isaac Company. The Fair Isaac Company invented the current credit scoring system that turns all of your credit information into a personal credit score. Today lenders still use this credit scoring system to determine credit risk.The term FICO scoring means, a ...