Establishing Credit
Establishing credit is very important. Whether you have previously had a good credit standing and lost it, or you are just beginning to accumulate credit and establish a credit rating, a few standard concepts will help you establish a good credit rating.The principle way that a lending agency ...
Getting Out of the Zone!
Weve probably all heard the famous movie quip, why dont you wait here while I slip into something a little more comfortable. Its a comment to make most of our ears (particularly male ones!) stand up on end with the anticipation that the film has actually taken a turn for the better. In real life ...
Grants, Loans, "Free" Credit Cards And Credit Repair: The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
You got creditors calling you everyday. You could lose the car or house. Your teetering on the edge financial ruin - then you see an ad that may safe your butt! Typical headlines say something like "Millionaire reveals Hidden Cash Sources, or help for people in debt up to their eyeballs!"HOW ...
Budgeting Before Buying
With interest rates being at an all-time low, I can understand the urgency for people wanting to purchase a home. But I caution the first-time home buyer to learn how to budget their money before buying a new home.I happen to live in a state with one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country ...
Experience the Benefits of Applying for a Home Equity Loan
There are many services on the market today for you and your family. Get a free quote and youll see why applying for a home equity loan is worth your while! There are many great uses for a home equity loan. You can use a home loan for debt consolidation of high interest credit cards, education for ...
The Advantages of Term Life Insurance.
There are two main types of life insurance that are available to everyone; there is whole life insurance and term life insurance. Many people are unaware even of the existence of term life insurance, which is a shame because term life insurance is usually much cheaper than the whole life insurance ...
Articles for Profit
One of the most popular ways of making money these days is to write articles for online business.Writing articles has suddenly become the height of fashion with web marketers, and a lot of them are using this to makes extra cash for very little effort.The question is how can YOU make money writing ...
Where Does Your Real Estate Commission Fee Go - Why is The Commission so HIGH?
Many who have bought and sold properties through Realtors numerous times; even many real estate agents themselves, don't know where the commission money goes. After all, when a property sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars and the commission is tens of thousands of dollars, it seems like ...
Criminal Identity Theft - A Step Beyond
Ask anyone whos ever been robbed of their identity, and theyll tell you that it typically takes years to recover from such a violation. This extremely personal crime goes far beyond using someone elses name to make a hefty purchase at a department store. In addition to credit card charges, bank ...
What is a Secured Personal Loan
A secured Personal loan is any personal loan that is secured on your home or property. Secured loans are more easily accessible to those with a poor credit record. This means that persons who are self-employed, or who have recently changed jobs, or who have adverse credit (ccjs, arrears, defaults, ...
My Neighbor Got A New Car
I dont know what kind it is, but I saw it
on TV running full speed along the shore (I dont
live near the shore) throwing up spray or maybe
it was that one climbing up the steep mountain
trail thru the mud, rocks and snow. Very
exciting. (I dont live near the mountains
either.) WOW! Just what I ...
Financing Houses
What Real Estate Lenders Look ForLenders control many programs -- some make use of over 200! Generally, lenders look for the following typical standards, with many exceptions:1. Absolutely no late mortgage payments
2. Credit score above 580
3. If bankruptcy, no charge-offs or collection accounts ...