It's Your Credit - Take Care of It!
Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureausExperian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting or calling 1-877-322-8228.Monitoring your ...
Credit Repair Companies and Credit Counseling
Let's be crystal clear, right up front. Paying someone to "fix" your credit is a waste of your time and money, since the negative issues that are temporarily removed from your file will only reappear again in a couple of months.Be careful with credit repair scams.Most "credit repair" companies ...
10 Tips For Reducing Your Expenses
10 Tips for Reducing your Expenses (and Conserving your Cash)1. Reduce Overtime. Overtime is expensive, but a little preplanning of your work schedules will go a long way here. The feast or famine cycle that many businesses go through can drive costs up without a corresponding increase in sales. ...
How Does Credit History Affect Car Insurance Rates?
Many personal car insurance companies consider your credit information when determining how much premium to charge for your insurance. So if you are calling around for new car insurance, keep in mind that many insurers are looking at your credit history to determine your car insurance rates. I hope ...
Understanding How Your Credit History May Affect Your Car Insurance Coverage
Many personal auto insurance companies consider your credit information when determining how much premium to charge for your insurance. So if you are calling around for new insurance, keep in mind that many insurers are looking at your credit history. I hope that we will be able to let you know why ...
Finance Career - Finance Job
Many people are drawn to money. Not just to have more of it (who doesn't?), but to actually participate in the finance industry and make a career out of it.Did you know that some of the most successful people in finance and investments never pursued finance in college? Did you know many never even ...
How to Read an Experian Credit Report
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the Nationwide Consumer Reporting organizations (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) to provide you with one free credit report every 12 months per your request. This means that you are entitled to three free credit reports per year, if you deem ...
Guidelines For Assembling Your Real Estate Investing Team
Why Have A Team?It can be quite a daunting task, when youre starting out, to consider hiring accountants, lawyers and other professionals. Not only is the expense a concern but knowing who to consider and how to make a decision about who to utilize puts many people off. And it is for these reasons ...
Loan Basics
There is more than one type of loan. Depending upon your situation, you might find that what works in one circumstance does not work in another. This means that it is very important for you to educate yourself about different kinds of loans so that you are more prepared when you speak with a ...
How to Read a TransUnion Credit Report
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the Nationwide Consumer Reporting organizations (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) to provide you with one free credit report every 12 months per your request. This means that you are entitled to three free credit reports per year, if you deem ...
Real Estate Tax Incentives
Lower Your TaxesTax incentives for real estate investors can often make the difference in your tax rates. Deductions for rental property can often be used to offset wage income. Tax breaks can often enable investors to turn a loss into a profit.For which items can investors get tax breaks? You ...
Financing Houses
What Real Estate Lenders Look ForLenders control many programs -- some make use of over 200! Generally, lenders look for the following typical standards, with many exceptions:1. Absolutely no late mortgage payments
2. Credit score above 580
3. If bankruptcy, no charge-offs or collection accounts ...
Asset Searching for Recovery Actions - The Decision Maker's Tool Part 2
In Part One of this article we took a look at some minimum recommendations for asset searches as a recovery medium. This discussion is based on the assumption that an asset search has already been determined to be sanctionable by, for example, a loan in default, a judgment that has been rendered, a ...
Housewarming Gift Ideas - What is Appropriate?
A friend of yours has just made the transition from renter to homeowner. So what to give as a housewarming gift? Friends that you are close with are the easiest. You want it to be personal, memorable as purchasing the home was.You can wait for the housewarming party or you can take the initiative ...
How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score
Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others dont? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you dont know? The answer is your credit score.Your credit score is a number generated by a mathematical formula to estimate how likely you are to pay your bills. ...