Spanish Mortgages Building a Property Portfolio 100% Funded by Your Bank Manager!
From little acorns do great oaks grow! Provided, of course, the acorns are actually planted!In property terms, that translates to identifying the potential of building a property portfolio and being prepared to do something about it. In recent years, both in the UK and here in Spain, there has been ...
Invisible Slavery System
Invisible puzzles are mechanisms hidden inside products and services you use, and the social/political systems you interact with. They are invisible due to the use of manufactured perception and deniability-tactics. These puzzles are designed to harness everyone's efforts to silently maintain and ...
Women And Divorce: How Women Should Protect Themselves Financially Regarding Divorce
Women who believe a divorce is a possibility or who think that their husband will be asking about getting a divorce at some point should put their emotions aside and plan "just in case" their intuition is correct that a divorce may be coming in the near future. If women who believe that the ...
Florida Investment Real Estate and What Are Considerations Before Buying
Investment Real Estate, First Things FirstConsidering investing in property? What are some pertinent things to consider before taking this leap? Of all the investment possibilities, investment in land generally produces the most positive results. It is vital, however, to carefully investigate ...
How Women Should Protect Themselves Financially Regarding Divorce
Women who believe a divorce is a possibility or who think that their husband will be asking about getting a divorce at some point should put their emotions aside and plan "just in case" their intuition is correct that a divorce may be coming in the near future. If women who believe that the ...
Money Does Talk!
When buying something, you can buy in one of two markets. The first is buying on terms in the retail market and the second is buying in the wholesale cash market. This can be illustrated by referring to the biggest purchase we all make in our lifetime - Real Estate.In recent years, when you are ...
How to Sell Your Home by Owner And Double Your Profit When You Sell
When you want to sell your home, you are probably looking for someone who can qualify for a bank mortgage to buy your home, right?Assuming you are successful in finding such a buyer, the costs of the sale will probably wipe out your equity, or profit on the sale.The National Association of Realtors ...
Financing Purchase of a Business
Should you decide to buy an existing business, several factors enter into consideration of how to finance it. Let us discuss the most important of these factors.The amount of capital required.Nearly all sales of small businesses are, strictly speaking, merely sales of the assets of the business. ...
What is Your Creative Retirement Plan?
The idle are a peculiar kind of dead that cannot be buried.
Oriental proverbOne thing is certain - when you do not have a creative challenge during your retirement years, the idleness and its accompanying despondency blots out any chance for happiness and contentment and can even encourage an early ...
Insurance Glossary
Assured - Those insured under the terms of an insurance policy.Benefit - The money paid to the policyholder when a claim is made.Bid Price - The selling price or cash-in value of your unit holdings.Bonus - Relates to a with-profits policy. The amount of money added to the benefit payable under the ...
Loans 101: Application and Approval
A loan is a type of debt. Like all debts, a loan involves the re-allocation of money over a period of time between the borrower and the lender. The borrower initially receives an amount of money from the lender. This money is paid back either in full or in regular installments (with interest of ...
Insurance Glossary of Terms
Assured - Those insured under the terms of an insurance policy.Benefit - The money paid to the policyholder when a claim is made.Bid Price - The selling price or cash-in value of your unit holdings.Bonus - Relates to a with-profits policy. The amount of money added to the benefit payable under the ...
Home Equity Loan and Home Equity Loans
Home equity loans have become one of the most sought after ways to lower debt payments through consolidation, to find the cash for remodeling, or purchasing a vehicle at a low interest rate. Applying for a home equity loan is like other loan applications: The applicant gives the prospective lender ...