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Questions About Mortgage Brokers and Lenders
June 24, 2002 I get tons of mail from borrowers who are confused about the differences between lenders and mortgage brokers, and how these differences matter. "What is a mortgage broker?" A mortgage broker is a loan provider who offers the loan products of different ... more...

HUD and Yield Spread Premiums
October 3, 2001 The recent decision of the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Culpepper vs Irwin has suddenly swung the spotlight on HUD policy regarding yield spread premiums (YSPs) retained by mortgage brokers.  To this date, HUD has been impotent in dealing ... more...

broker related definitions

discount Point
Discount Point Fees paid to lenders. 1 point = 1% of the loan amount. On a $100,000 loan 1 point is $1000. Points may be further classified into origination points or discount points. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker. Each point is one percent of ... more...

Back End Pionts vs Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker ... more...

More about broker

Simple Tips On Getting Your Loan
So, you want to get a loan?Here are some simple tips that will help you make an informed decision about what kind to get, and who to get it from.First ask yourself: do you really need it?Can you manage without it? Is it for something frivolous, like a holiday? Could you get the money by other means ... more...

Thousands Sucked Dry By Hard Money Parasites- How To Avoid The Loan Leech!
There are creatures that prowl about the lush, green hard money jungle that ignorantly kill 99 out of 100 dealsand the chances of you ever finding a real lender with them are slim and none.Now I'm not talking about respectable brokers, agents or middlemen that have direct access to the money and ... more...

Who is Your Commercial Loan Broker?
What can your commercial loan broker do for you? That all depends on which broker you choose to do business with. As is the case for most things in life, there is a variety of financial institutions to choose from. However, not all brokers will provide the same options, variations on loans, and ... more...

Investing in Real Estate for Your Retirement (and Now!)
You've probably heard a lot of opposing information about Investing in Real Estate, which is completely annoying! The straight-forward fact about Real Estate is that it is probably the best and safest investment you'll ever make, especially if you live in it, and that you are far more likely to ... more...

How to Sell Your Home Without a Real Estate Agent
Considering the rapid rise in home prices over the past several years, home sellers are taking a hard look at the commission they have to pay to a real estate brokerage to market and sell their home. Real estate commissions vary across the country; they average in the four to seven percent range ... more...

What Is Networking and Why is it Important in Business?
When I began my networking journey, I attended any and all networking events as time permitted. Every event was fair game! Today I am much more strategic in my networking endeavors. I discovered which events and organizations gave me the best return on my investment of time as well as how to be ... more...

Credit Card Debt: Repair After Bankruptcy
Ah, credit card debt. You've asked yourself the question many times, "Will I ever get credit again?" The answer, although seemingly complex, is quite simple: Yes. You can have another chance at re-establishing your credit. Filing bankruptcy is the first intelligent step taken to wiping out ... more...

Interviewing Overqualified Applicants
A manager of a small business recently posted a job opening for a mostly clerical type job. A degree is not required and generally neither is judgment. She also put the level of compensation clearly on the job posting and worked very hard to not over exaggerate the importance of the position.The ... more...

This Market Is Different
All of the talking heads have been telling us that this market is different. You are going to have to be patient and soon (hopefully in your lifetime) the DOW and the Nasdaq will be back at their old highs. They cite all the statistics about how the economy is improving - consumers are spending, ... more...

Buying and Selling a Home Isn't the Same Old Thing
Discover New Ways to Save Money & Protect HomeHome owners faced with buying and selling a home have more options than in the past. It used to be the same old thing all the time. The buyer would find a home they like and purchase it, then get a mortgage, and move into the home. When it came time ... more...

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