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Avoiding Mortgage Predators
August 20, 2001 ?I read a lot about predatory lending.  How do I avoid becoming a victim??    To educate myself on what makes a victim, I recently studied 51 case histories of households ... more...

How Do You Avoid Mortgage Predators?
August 20, 2001 ?I read a lot about predatory lending.  How do I avoid becoming a victim??    To educate myself on what makes a victim, I recently studied 51 case histories of households ... more...

broker mortgage email lenders property remortgage insurance related definitions

Mortgage Broker
Mortgage Broker An individual in the business of assisting in arranging funding or negotiating contracts for a client buy who does not loan the money himself. Brokers usually charge a fee or receive a commission for their ... more...

Title Insurance
Title Insurance A policy, issued by a title insurance company, which insures a home buyer against errors in the title search. The cost of the policy is usually a function of the value of the property, and is often borne by the purchaser and/or seller. Policies are also available ... more...

More about broker mortgage email lenders property remortgage insurance

Direct Marketing: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Unstoppable
Every business needs customers, but more importantly every business needs to maintain those customers while constantly retaining new ones. The only successful way of doing this is by learning everything about your customers, including who they are? What do they have in common? Do they share a hobby ... more...

The Three Factors of Credit-Worthiness
Between the Internet, well-meaning family and friends, and know-it-all articles in the print media, it's hard to know where the facts end and the nonsense begins. Facts are everywhere, but so are urban legends, hidden agendas, and opinions posing as truth. Fact or fallacy - it can be devilishly ... more...

Conventional Financing For Wholesale Deals
This info is very important for both new and experienced wholesalers, AND buyers of fixer-uppers, to carefully read and understand. We learned it painfully, hopefully you won't have to :-)Often times we are asked by investors about using conventional financing for their investor deals. In other ... more...

Shorting Stocks The Basics, Part I of II
What does it mean to short a stock?This means that you borrow the stock from your broker to sell to a third party. The idea is to buy back the stock at a lower price, returning the shares to your broker while leaving the remaining cash in your account as a profit. Put another way, a short seller ... more...

Remortgage Debt Consolidation - The New Recourse For Credit Crunch
Shakespeare once said about human nature with nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing. It is human nature to not be satisfied with anything for long. With the expansion of technology, so many multi-utility items are available which everybody wants to accumulate. The real issue ... more...

Life Insurance and Life Assurance are Not the Same!
The average man in the street assumes that Life Insurance and Life Assurance are names for the same form of insurance. How wrong they are! But don't hang your head in shame, many financial commentators get it wrong too! Life Insurance and Life Assurance perform different financial roles and are ... more...

115 Ways To Earn Money With Your Computer
Here is a list of ideas for your reference if you want to use your own PC to earn income. 1. Provide computer-based office management services for attorneys 2. Do word processing 3. Do medical billing for doctors 4. Do automated telemarketing 5. Manage a church 6. Start a computer user's group 7. ... more...

What Will I Do When I Grow Up? Says The 45 Year Old Woman
I have always rather envied those people who have a burning vocation; they knew the career they wanted to follow and went for it. If, like me, you have never really known what you want to do, the years fly past and you still have to earn a living. But doing what?I did well at school and it ... more...

13 Extra Costs to be Aware of Before Buying a Home
Whether you're looking to buy your first home, or trading up to a larger one, there are many costs - on top of the purchase price - that you must figure into your calculation of affordability. These extra fees, such as taxes and other additional costs, could surprise you with an unwanted financial ... more...

How to Terror-Proof Your Money
"To drift is to be in hell, to be in heaven is to steer." George Bernard ShawFormer Homeland Security Director, Tom Ridge, has said it's not a matter of "if" well have another terrorist attack, but when. Like the attack of 9/11, the financial effects of another terror attack will be felt by ... more...

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