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Shopping For a Mortgage On-Line
September 19, 2005, Revised December 5, 2005, Revised January 12, 2005 This article is on the why, which, and how of shopping for a mortgage on-line: why seek a mortgage this way, which sites are the best, and how do you shop effectively?  Why Shop For a ... more...

HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

bes tmortgage rate loans apply for credit condo home mortgage cards related definitions

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

More about bes tmortgage rate loans apply for credit condo home mortgage cards

What Is A FHA Loan?
Most of us need to borrow some money at least at one point of time in our life. When we want to buy a car, to study at the College or University, when we want to buy a house or home, when we need money to start our own business - even when we use our credit cards.There are many types of loans and ... more...

Marketing Is A Long-Term Investment
"Dig your well before you're thirsty" is the title of a wonderful book by Harvey Mackay. It is smart advice for investing your money, "Save your money before you need it", or growing your business, "Market today for tomorrow".When times are tough some businesses stop marketing. They reason, 'No one ... more...

Prices: Where Are They Headed?
Money is the source of all evils - so goes the popular saying. Money is also what makes real estate spin around. So the critical question of the year becomes: where are real estate prices headed? Short of using a crystal ball, there are indeed a few considerations that can be made to have a general ... more...

I Want to Buy a Home - Now What?
If you were to ask 100 women "What would you like to achieve financially?" Buying a home or apartment is usually one of the answers. Some women think that they can never own a home - which is not true! In fact, there are so many success stories of home buyers who never thought they would get there. ... more...

Debt Consolidation when You Find Yourself Overwhelmed with Bills, Bills, and More Bills
Many of us find ourselves overwhelmed with bills, bills, bills. Going to the mailbox only to find yet another late payment notice may have become a daily trauma. Your spending patterns and lack of budgeting has brought you to this point, and you know it is no ones fault but your own. Yet, what ... more...

UK Personal Loan Advice
Borrowing money is a big decision and not something that can be rushed into without thinking it through. Thats why most financial experts recommend you take the time to go through the advice section and answer the following questions.How much do I need to borrow and how much can I afford?What is a ... more...

Don't Add A Scam To Your Credit Problems
There are a lot of companies that want to help you get out of your credit troubles. It can be so easy to put your faith in something, hopeful once again that you will get everything right side up again. But if you are in a bad debt situation, you should watch out for those looking to take advantage ... more...

A Simple Step by Step Aproach to Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars
If You want to be Financially Successful you need to Learn to FailAt a Robert Allen Seminar he said the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people (Financially Successful) is that Successful know how to fail. He went own to say that in order to be successful you need to learn to ... more...

MORAL ARMOR'S Economic Warning for Americans
For years weve suffered under recession, prompting us to ask, When will it end? My answer is, Its only the beginning.Historically, recessions are the result of high interest rates, pushed up as the result of loose money policies. Recovery comes when citizens begin to spend more wisely, save money ... more...

Home Owners In Trouble! The Real Estate Bubble, Rising Interest, and Variable Rate Loans Concern Fed
Hurricane Katrina, floods, earthquakes, rising fuel prices, shrinking pocketbooks, and now, concerns over variable interest rate loans, are discussions heard throughout the nation.With mounting concerns by the Fed over rising inflation, there is a serious push to increase the current rates of ... more...

Home Insurance: Premium Protection In Case Mishap Takes A Rain Check
My whinstone house my castle is, I have my own four walls.This is truth for every home owner. Your home, your castle, your prized possession, your territory - which is certainly more than four walls. You would do anything to protect it against damage and injury. Damage and injury? Is that too dark ... more...

Spanish Mortgages Building a Property Portfolio 100% Funded by Your Bank Manager!
From little acorns do great oaks grow! Provided, of course, the acorns are actually planted!In property terms, that translates to identifying the potential of building a property portfolio and being prepared to do something about it. In recent years, both in the UK and here in Spain, there has been ... more...

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