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HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

Upfront Mortgage Brokers Listed by State
IMPORTANT NOTICE:  BEFORE CONTACTING BROKERS LISTED BELOW, READ  "HOW TO DEAL WITH A UMB" Upfront Mortgage Brokers as of December 10, 2005  Arizona Resident Brokers Keith Carothers, AZ Mortgage Dr. Fee: Negotiated on a case-by-case basis www.azmortgagedr ... more...

bankruptcy loan loans retirement plan real estate related definitions

Non Conforming Loan
Non Conforming Loan A loan that does not meet the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines. This is also known as a portfolio mortgage. The loan can't be sold on the secondary market so it must keep it and service it in its own portfolio. Non-conforming loans have ... more...

Bridge Loan
Bridge Loan A bridge loan is a short-term loan, usually a second mortgage, run for 6 month but may be taken taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years. The borrower's current home (which is usually "for sale") is ... more...

More about bankruptcy loan loans retirement plan real estate

Even With Credit Problems... You Can Get A Loan Within 30 Days, If You're Willing To Work At It
A wise friend once told me that *extraordinary people* are just *ordinary people* who do extraordinary things.It's the same way with loans. People that get loans after being turned down are not extraordinary people, they are ordinary people who do extraordinary things to get their loan.Here's an ... more...

How Bankruptcy Affects Student Loans
The vast majority of government student loans cannot be gotten rid of easily, even filing for bankruptcy will not resolve these debts. The only way that these types of loans can be taken care of in bankruptcy is if you can prove that they are a substantial hardship on you and your finances and this ... more...

Retire Debt FREE!
Retirement. We dream about it, whether it is five years or 15 years away. We fantasize about the day when we march into the bosss office and declare that we are retiring in one month and plan to take off to Bora Bora to unwind from decades of stress and office politics.Retirement can indeed be ... more...

Discovering The Art of Bending Your Mindset And Manifesting Your Multiple Intelligences
Discovering the Art of Bending Your Mindset and Manifesting your Multiple Intelligences in selling.Doctors cant sell Real Estate! Whats your mindset? A number of people related this statement to me when I first decided to get into sellingreal estate over 20 years ago. And you know they were right ... more...

Bankruptcy Myths Busted
The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcys ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most ... more...

Debt Management Brings a Significant Change in Debt Scenario
Have you ever thought what would be the consequence of uncontrolled expenditure? While the desire to purchase continues to be unsatisfied, the income base gives up much earlier. The result is debts. Debts up to a certain level are admissible. Debts need to be managed to keep them within this level. ... more...

UK Loans Guide - Channelising Your Rising Budget in a Productive Mmanner
Every unknown road needs a milestone to configure where it leads. Every loan type in UK requires a guide to steer through the loans market. The vastness of loans in UK is exhaustive. Loan borrowing in UK is growing by the day. Loan process has been considerably simplified leading to opening of new ... more...

Ten Ways to Get Out of Debt
1) Use your AssetsIf you have assets with some significant equity, such as a home or a car you may be able to use these to get control of your debt. For example, you could get a loan on your home sufficient to pay off your debts. You could be saving a considerable amount of money on interest if you ... more...

5 Ways To Raise Credit Score
It's not as hard as you think to raise credit score. It's a well known fact that lenders will give people with higher credit scores lower interest rates on mortgages, car loans and credit cards. If your credit score falls under 620 just getting loans and credit cards with reasonable terms is ... more...

Refinance Your Home to Payoff Debt: Pros & Cons
If you own a home, you may apply for a refinance debt consolidation loan or I call it the (RDC Loan). This type of loan will allow you to have only one payment every month. This should give you a little relief and free up some cash for you. You may also be more attentive in paying your refinance ... more...

Different Ways Of Dealing With Debt
Bills, creditors, debt collectors. Are you yearning for the days when all you had to worry about was the money in your piggy bank? If so, you are far from alone. Whether its illness, loss of a job, or simple overspending, it happens to the best of us. But that doesnt mean your financial situation ... more...

Fair Isaac Corporation Credit or FICO Score
As I am not from the US, I had no idea what FICO meant before researching it. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, a company based in California. FICO, put simply, is a person's credit score. A credit score can be used by a potential lender in making a judgement on whether to grant you credit or ... more...

Expectation and Intention: How your Outlook Affects your Feng Shui
It's been said that you attract things two ways: by fear and by focus. The person who fears losing his lover will undermine himself in a way that drives his loved one away. A person who seeks to graduate from a university as a doctor can place a picture of himself on a bulletin board with the ... more...

The Road to Debt Relief
Living with debt is not something someone hopes for, but it happens and it usually becomes far more severe than it should before something is done to eliminate it. Once many individuals realize they have a problem with debt, they are too embarrassed to ask for help so they let themselves dive ... more...

Taking Control of Your Credit History
Your credit history is important; in fact, in this day and age, only family and your time are more important than your credit history! The first time you established a payment commitment over a period of time for a purchase, you began your history of credit, and the credit bureau created your ... more...

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