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When Good Credit Marries Bad Credit
November 2, 1998, Revised November 22, 2004 "My fiancee and I are first time buyers and would like to purchase a single family home in New Jersey. He has an outstanding credit report and I have a bad one (collections, ... more...

Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

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Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

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Home Loans Identity Theft Protection Could Hurt Home Sales
Identity theft has been a hot topic in the news during the last few years. Just a month or so ago, forty million credit card numbers were compromised due to a computer attack on a credit card processor. Consumers are rightly concerned, as it can take years to unravel the problems created when ... more...

How To Increase Your Income
Why on earth would you want to run an event for your business? Events take a lot of organizing and publicity, not to mention the time you might not have and, depending on what you want to do, they can also cost quite a bit of money.So is it really worth all that effort?In a word, yes!An event is a ... more...

Desperately Seeking Good Leads, The Adventure Driven Loan Officer
As loan officers, the word lead is by far one of the most common words we use during the day, it is the topic of many of our conversations, it is praised and cursed, it is good and it is bad, it is loved and it is hated, on bad days it is hard to find, and on good days it falls right into our lap ... more...

Keeping Marketing Simple / Ten Simple Steps
1. Business CardsIt is very important to market yourself via business cards. You should be making a conscious effort to hand out ten per day at the very least. Have them on you at all times, and keep a supply in your car just in case. When doing business with someone, dont give them just one ... more...

Mortgage Advice To Make Mortgages A Really Smooth Ride
Mortgages are easy as long as you understand them well. But how many borrowers can be confident of their knowledge of mortgages.With the list of terms and terminologies related to mortgages growing fastly, it is difficult to keep pace with it. However, ignorance of law is no excuse. Therefore, it ... more...

Mortgage Protection Life Insurance - Understanding The Basics
Your house is a big investment - probably one of the biggest you're every likely to make. It is also the place that you and your loved ones call home; a shelter and haven from the outside world. That's why it is so important to ensure that your home and family are protected in the event of your ... more...

Mortgage Marketing - How to Find Your Niche
Ann Landers, Dr. Phil and Roger Ebert take pleasure in being recognized as leading experts in their respective fields. Because of this status they enjoy greater visibility and reputation than their peers. So instead of having to cold call or advertise for new clients, they benefit from prospects ... more...

Investing in Real Estate Profitably: Eliminating the Need for Mortgage Insurance
In an earlier article, we presented various options for ensuring that you have positive cash flow when holding rental houses, by minimizing loan payments. One problem which we now can address is to how to eliminate the need for paying mortgage insurance. Any loan with less than 20% down payment ... more...

Thought You Can Go All Alone In Mortgages! Mortgage Advice Beneficial In All Important Decisions
Mortgages are easy as long as you understand them well. But how many borrowers can be confident of their knowledge of mortgages.With the list of terms and terminologies related to mortgages growing fastly, it is difficult to keep pace with it. However, the legal maxim goes as follows ignorantia ... more...

Is Home Mortgage Refinancing Really Worth It?
Is it really worth it? Excellent question... since the refinancing process can take upwards of 2-3 months to complete, plus the expenses and hassles of refinancing may outweigh the benefits.Not everyone should refinance just because rates are lower. The general rule of thumb is to consider ... more...

Five Things Never To Tell Your Mortgage Lender When Facing Foreclosure
1. Never discuss your household finances over the phone with the collection department. What you dont know is that you are being qualified and not know it. This is the easiest and fastest way to get a turn down. Request a homeowners assistance package so that you can submit the require information ... more...

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